An Eye Opener
Investor companies that want progressive change, like the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), are buying stocks in publicly traded companies to try to affect social change. It has worked. A group of nuns representing ICCR on Wednesday was at a shareholders meeting at Sturm, Ruger & Co. and got a majority of stockholders to vote requiring Sturm, Ruger & Co. to issue a risk report. The report is supposed to look into Ruger tracking violence associated with it’s guns, and report on research on smart-gun technology, and more.
That’s not all, they wanted to do more but didn’t get it. They wanted the company to quit their ties with the NRA, and block the reelection of a board member that served on the NRA board and was a past NRA president.
This group also invests in Dicks Sporting Goods.