Math and Gun Death

Lets do some more math.  1712 / 365 days = 4.7 / day

or 1  person per 10 states per day.

Now how many people are saved by, or crimes thwarted by, a firearm?  From CDC at least 150,000 per year (ranging up to 2.5 million) or 411 per day.

or 82 per 10 states per day.

The anti gunners are on a campaign to call there representatives right now.  We have to call even more times than they do, so pick up the phone.

call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 866-338-1015, they will ask for your zip code and connect you to your senator or congressperson.  put it in your phone and call every day.

Information for the Constitutional Convention

I’m still deciding on if the NY Con Con is good or bad.  Here is some information from a friend I wanted to pass along to help you decide.

This November all NYS voters will have the following on the back of their ballot

(NYS Consitution Article XIX Section 2):

“Shall there be a convention to revise the constitution and amend the same?”

There has been a lot of advertising and social media postings about the question that will be on this fall’s voter ballot – should there be a NYS Constitution Convention (“Con Con”).

 Special interest organizations say union contracts could be threatened, employees’ jobs could be at risk, public education could be put at risk, only the political elite could be part of the Con Con, gun rights and firearms could be taken away, and so on. The key word in all this is “COULD”.

 These are tactics to get the uninformed voters to vote against Con Con. There are similar tactics for Con Con.

 Remember any NYS Senator or Assemblyperson could propose a bill at anytime the legislature is in session to put the above at risk. Again that word is used – “COULD”.

 Expensive? Yes, it will be.

 Here are just some ideas that could be proposed in a convention if Con Con is approved.

Possibly propose a voter recall vote (a “vote of no confidence” if you will) to give the voters the power to kick a bad or corrupt politician out of ANY elected office.

 Possibly propose a maximum salary limit for legislators paid by the state instead of the legislators proposing and voting for their own pay raise in two consecutive sessions. This pay limit be changed only be the next Con Con.

 Possibly propose either getting rid of the letter of necessity totally, or rewrite it to make the governor state facts only in the letter of necessity.

 Possibly propose putting the Right to keep and bear arms from the NYS Civil Rights Law (Article 2 § 4) into the State’s Constitution and bar the legislature from passing any law againt the Right to keep and bear arms.

 Possibly propose setting term limits for NYS Senators, Assemblypersons, and Governor.

 Of course there are many more possible proposals that could be proposed.

 Any Con Con proposal would have to be passed first by the Convention. It would then be put on the ballot for the voters to vote on. This is what the advertising fails to tell you!

 The NYS Constitutional Convention question only comes up once every 20 years. If the Con Con is passed by the voters this year, voters will have a chance to vote for the delegates that will be part of the Convention in 2018 November vote.

 The voters of NYS have the final say at the polls to any changes in the State’s Constitution when the the proposed changes are voted on at the eariiest 2019.

Please do your research on a NYS Con Con before voting. Do not let others persuade you.

(for opinions for and against please visit



From the web site.

The word necessary appears in the Bill of Rights only one time.

Why is the second amendment necessary? This is the only instance in which the Constitution explicitly specifies anything in particular as “necessary” for any particular purpose, and inasmuch as the absolute clause “[a] well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State” is couched in the present tense, the Constitution obviously considers “the security of a free State” to be a permanent goal, and “[a] well regulated Militia” to be the one and only means truly “necessary” to achieve that goal at all times and under all circumstances. That is, “the security of a free State” and “[a] well regulated Militia” are mutually inseparable and constitutionally indispensable.

Event: Firearms Civil Rights Conference Sunday October 1st, 2017

The Sportsman’s Association For Firearm Education is putting on
the 2017 Firearms Civil Rights Conference, Sunday October 1st, 2017, from 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Doors open at 12:00 Noon at the Radisson Hotel in Hauppauge, NY.  The address is:  110 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway,
Hauppauge, NY 11788

ï‚· Get the latest information on the rights of the people to own and use firearms in New York State
ï‚· Network with fellow sportsmen and women concerning your civil rights and those of your children and grand children.
ï‚· Discuss issues of concern to you with local and national leaders of Second Amendment organizations.
ï‚· Win valuable prizes in drawings limited to attendees only.
ï‚· Hear guest speakers with the latest information of concern to firearm owners including the latest on the SAFE ACT.
ï‚· Get involved in protecting your “Second Amendment Rights.”

Mr. Pete Brownell, President of National Rifle Association America, CEO of Brownells, the world’s largest supplier of gun parts.
Mr. Anthony Bernardo, Executive Director of the Canadian Institute for Legislative Action and the Canadian Shooting Sports Association
Ms. Ginny Simone, National Radio Show Host and Famous NRA Investigative Reporter on Firearms Issues including abuses by Government agencies with videos that prove it.
Mr. Alan Korwin, Noted author, Nationally Known Gun Rights Expert, a Freelance writer and Owns and Operates Bloomfield Press and
Mr. Darin Goens, National Rifle Association State Liaison for New York State working in Albany with the New York State Legislature.
Mr. John L. Cushman, S.A.F.E. President, NRA Director and member of the Board of Directors of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association.

Attention All Legislators: All elections are local and this years’ will be the most important one you will probably ever face. Mingle with hundreds of legal and lawful firearms owners, voters and elected officials on Long Island at one time. FREE ADMISSION AND FREE PARKING, BRING THE FAMILY AND YOUR FRIENDS.

Grand jury indicts man for SAFE Act violation


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An Elba man is facing a two-count felony indictment for possessing a gun in violation of the state’s SAFE Act.
Charles S. Ganoung IV, 33, of Transit Road is charged with two counts of third-degree criminal possession of a weapon in an indictment filed by a Genesee County grand jury.
Ganoung is accused of possessing a DPMS Panther Arms semiautomatic .233-caliber rifle during an investigation by police in March.
The rifle, according to the indictment, had a telescoping stock, pistol grip and magazine loaded with 28 live rounds, a flash suppressor/muzzle break and a bayonet mount.

Bills and Sponsors That Need Your Support Now

OUR CIVIL RIGHTS are at risk & are being systemically reduced. If we do not stop that, they will all be removed.  Finding ourselves with all our civil rights gone, can occur in a very short time period. We each need to do something specific to stop what we all can see happening.

Many just sit back and watch!

Just like each $10 donation adds up to a lot of help for Harvey victims, we need each ”one vote” from all gun owners to add up to a strong support for our CIVIL RIGHTS.

Right now, we have something that each person can do that is fairly simple-but together it should make a large impact on our objectives. 

 Federal Congressmen, State Assemblymen & State Senators in YOUR district will not co-sign onto a bill unless they know that the people in their districts want that bill to be passed.


We need at this time to have support for the following “4” Bills

1/FEDERAL-HR38 (Concealed Carry Reciprocity)

Sponsor Richard Hudson, North Carolina

2/FEDERAL-HR3576 (SAGA- Second Amendment Guarantee Act)

Sponsor Chris Collins, Western New York

     Federal Law would supersede State laws on matters regarding the

Second Amendment.

3/NEW YORK STATE A6805 (Civil Rights Restoration Act)

Sponsor Pete Lopez, New York


       This Bill protects: “due process of law” for NY residents.

Patient privacy

Expands definition of “Immediate Family” for firearm transfers

                          Includes fingerprints as I.D. (helps Amish)

This would stop a background check for ammunition purchases once the

Division of State Police database becomes certified

4/ NEW YORK STATE S6419 same as A6805

Sponsor George Amedore N.Y.

      This is the time for all New York residents to stand up & be counted!

Contact your family, friends, face book friends to have them do the same in their election area.  Pass along this email, this letter & change what is happening before it is too late.

Please Note:  There are almost 4 million gun owners in New York, Cuomo got 2.1 million votes in 2014, and how was he reelected?

Make yourself count and vote him the hell out!

Senator Gillibrand Talks About Turning Into a Gun Grabber

From an article by Karen Townsend of (more here)

In case you had any doubts ,  Senator Gillibrand is a definite gun grabber.  This is from the September 8, 2017, episode of Netflix’s Chelsea (Handler – another gun grabber) show titled “Comfortably Naked,” (copied from

Sen. Gillibrand: As a House member, the only lens I really saw guns through was the Second Amendment, that people loved going hunting. It was a very hunting culture. And I have to tell you, when I was appointed to the Senate, I had to learn really fast, and I went to Brooklyn, I met with a family. I can tell you how horrible it is to meet with a mother and a father who lost their daughter when a stray bullet ends her life when she’s just hanging out with her friends. And when you hear these stories, they are so horrific and you can imagine in your own mind what it would be like for your child to be taken from you by gun violence. And I just said, “I’m gonna do whatever I can to make sure your daughter’s life was not in vain and that, in fact, because of her death, we are gonna fight hard to make sure it doesn’t happen to some other child in our communities throughout our state.

…..the gun lobby is literally run by the gun manufacturers. It’s not by hunters. It’s not about hunting. It’s about gun manufacturers who literally are now lobbying to make sure suppressors – gun silencers — can be readily available. There’s restrictions on that. You can’t just go to a store and buy one. You have to be certified do paperwork all this kind of stuff.

She’s been converted into a mini Chuck Schumer now.

SCOPE ACTION ALERT – Capital District SCOPE’rs Please Call John Faso if you live in Broome, Columbia, Delaware, Dutchess, Greene, Montgomery, Otsego, Rensselaer, Schoharie, Sullivan, or Ulster Counties


The Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA) H.R. 3576 needs your help.

SAGA is gaining momentum, H.R. 3576 now has cosponsors from California and Pennsylvania. Thank you to NY Rep. Tom Reed who joined with NY Rep. Chris Collins as a cosponsor.  The following U.S. New York Congressional Representative in the Capital District has been contacted by SCOPE and asked to cosponsor SAGA.

Faso has claimed opposition to Governor Cuomo’s unSAFE Act. To date he has not signed on as cosponsors of SAGA H.R. 3576. Please call and ask him to cosponsor SAGA.

Please share this alert with family members and fellow gun owners, post it on social media and ask them to call congress.

Success depends on all of us, please call today.

Rep. John Faso, District 19, Broome, Columbia, Delaware, Dutchess, Greene, Montgomery, Otsego, Rensselaer, Schoharie, Sullivan, Ulster Counties

Faso’s Washington, DC Office, 1616 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC  20515
Phone: (202) 225-5614
Fax: (202) 225-1168

Faso’s local offices:

Delhi District Office
111 Main Street
Delhi, NY 13753
Phone: (607) 746-9537

Kinderhook District Office
2 Hudson Street
Kinderhook, NY 12106
Phone: (518) 610-8133

Kingston District Office
721 Broadway
Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: (845) 514-2322


Other U.S representatives contacted by SCOPE in other areas in NY are:

Rep. Lee Zeldin, District 1, Suffolk County (202) 225-3826

Rep. Elise Stefanik, District 21, Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Saratoga, Warren, Washington Counties (202) 225-4611

Rep. Claudia Tenney, District 22, Broome, Chenango, Cortland, Herkimer, Madison, Oneida, Oswego, Tioga Counties (202) 225-3665

Rep. John Katko, District 24, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oswego, Wayne Counties (202) 225-3701

Please call if you live in their counties.

I bet you didn’t hear about this: The USS Gabrielle Giffords was Christened As Navy’s First Gun-Free Warship

I found this great article at  Please read part of the article below and click on the (read more here) link to read the rest and read the important update on the ship at the bottom of the article.

MOBILE, Ala. — Seeking to honor a retired congresswoman and 2011 shooting victim in the most considerate and respectful way possible, the Navy today christened the future USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS-10), a first-of-its-kind, gun-free warship.

Designed to hold a core crew of 40 sailors, the Independence-class littoral combat ship has been stripped bare of its Mk 110 57-millimeter gun, all four of its Mk2 .50-cal machine guns, its Evolved SeaRAM 11 cell missile launcher, and its entire cache of small arms, which are typically issued to boarding teams and watch standers.

“Having this mighty warship be 100% gun-free not only helps to honor its heroic namesake, Gabby Giffords, but it also helps the Navy to steer clear of promoting a culture of violence,” said Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, who reportedly lobbied hard to get Congress and the Secretary of Defense on board with leaving the Navy’s newest addition to the fleet completely defenseless.

“Once commissioned and put into service,” Mabus continued, “this vessel will truly embody the Navy’s new motto of Semper Modestis— always considerate.”

Mabus also said that going gun-free with the Giffords was a huge cost saver, and that much of the money saved on armament for the vessel was able to be redirected to a vegan-friendly galley, unisex uniforms for the whole crew, and numerous “safe spaces” throughout the ship — places where sailors can go to relax and decompress whenever they feel overly-stressed by the rigors of life at sea.

A Partial Peak Inside Gun Control Groups. Can Gun Rights Groups Learn A Lesson From This?

From the Ammoland web site.  (read the article here)

Ammoland is a great web site.  This article was posted on 9/2/17 and has the NRA logo next to it, so I assume it is from the NRA: “Disaffected Gun Control Activist Exposes Bloomberg’s ‘Top-down Bureaucracy’” 

To summarize, I cut and paste some of the points of the article here…..

A disaffected gun control supporter explains in a post titled, “As a Gun Violence Survivor, I Feel Betrayed by Everytown,” former Everytown and Moms Demand Action member Kate Ranta shed some much-needed light on Bloomberg’s bureaucratic operation. Despite Everytown portraying itself as a grassroots movement, Ranta explained that this representation is a façade, writing,

“For too long, gun control groups like Everytown have implemented top-down organizational models that treat gun violence prevention advocates like servants and gun violence survivors like fundraising fodder, giving us little or no say in our own advocacy. That must end now.”

Ranta goes on to explain that Everytown’s interactions with the media are highly orchestrated. Many gun control groups have relied on carefully manufactured messaging. However, in the case of Everytown, even the personal stories of those who have experienced violence are allegedly perverted in order to advance the group’s agenda. Ranta noted,

Over the years, however, I began to see signs that suggested I was not as empowered as I thought. For example, I was once coached to avoid authenticity in telling my personal story in order to “stay on message.” I also saw that survivors who were in the national media got preferential treatment over survivors who were unknown to the public.

On Thursday, I resigned as an Everytown Survivor Fellow after being blocked by the Survivor Network Facebook page for voicing my concerns about the Fraternal Order of Police sponsorship. My conclusion is that dissenting voices have no place in these organizations. You toe the line or you’re out.

Ranta concluded her piece by describing Everytown as a “top-down bureaucracy.”

Ranta’s piece marks the second time this year that reports of internal turmoil have wracked Bloomberg’s gun control apparatus. In May, the Daily Caller reported that several prominent Everytown staff had left or been fired following the 2016 election.

Lessons learned for Gun Rights Groups…..always treat people fairly and respect your grassroots supporters, even when you don’t agree with them, otherwise turmoil may follow.