Saratoga Springs City Council makes it illegal to possess a firearm while intoxicated in a public space, plus other penalties

Updated 8/4/23

The two main highlights make it illegal to possess a firearm while intoxicated in a public space and it outlines penalties for each firearm discharge. Under the newly amended ordinance each shot would be subjected to a fine, that would range from $250 to $2,500.  The penalty for carry a firearm in a public space while intoxicated would be $250 or up to 15 days in jail.  The amendment passed with a 3 to 2 vote.

Montagnino and Kim voted in favor of the bill, along with Commissioner of Finance Minita Sanghvi. Moran and Golub voted against the bill.

Weekend burglary at Beecroft’s Shooters Supply

From News Channel 13 News:

EASTON – The weekend burglary at Beecroft’s Shooters Supply on State Route 40 was quick, destructive, and deliberate, State Police said.

Someone drove a stolen SUV through the front wall of the business backwards, presumably to lessen the likelihood that there’d be front end damage to the car, which could have hindered their getaway, said police.

At about 7:30 a.m. Sunday, there probably wasn’t much – if any – traffic on the main thoroughfare through Easton. Because the homes are built so far apart, it’s unlikely anyone would have heard what must have been the very loud noise of a 2019 Kia Sportage crashing through the front of the building.

The car had been stolen from Schenectady prior to the burglary, State Police said. After viewing security footage, police also tell NewsChannel 13 multiple individuals got out of the car, stole merchandise, got back in the car, and then took off.

It is perplexing – but also a great deal of relief – for folks to find out after someone broke into a gun shop, there were no guns reported missing.

Because there were no firearms reported missing from Beecroft’s, the ATF is not involved in what will be an ongoing burglary investigation.

The stolen vehicle used during the Beecroft’s burglary had been recovered by early Monday afternoon, State Police said.

Gun Bills Passed at the End of the NY Legislature Session, provided by

End of session wrap-up
On: June 11, 2023
The state legislature is in recess. The Assembly may come back for a special session in a few weeks, but no gun-related items are on the talked about agenda as of now.

Here is the list of relevant gun control bills which passed this session:

A-2209/S-816, Makes clarifying changes to the definition of imitation weapon.
A-5092/S-4879, Provides that the legislative body of the county of Westchester shall fix the fee to be charged for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver and provide for the disposition of such fees.
A-5791A/S-6238A, Defines the term mass shooting for purposes of emergency response measures and access to emergency funding.
A-5835/S-3436, Exempts applications for an Extreme Risk Protection Order from requiring an index number fee.

Everytown’s Albany agenda was primarily to get funding for various money-funnel schemes including the Grieving Families Act and payments to so-called gun violence survivors. Absent any push-back they pretty much got what they wanted.

Also, they talked with at least one Assemblyman on “smart guns.” I’m sure it has to do with this, “Smart guns finally arriving in U.S., seeking to shake up firearms market,” although there is no bill specifically on this subject. It is reasonable to assume legislation will be introduced on it in the near future.

21 Capital Region High Schools Participate in Clay Target Shooting Tournament. Is your school in the league?

In New York, the New York State High School Clay Target League saw 2,546 athletes competing from 144 schools. Given those huge numbers, there has not been one single injury ever reported since the league’s inception in 2001 making the clay target league THE SAFEST SPORT in all of high school sports.

The tournament, June 10th and 11th, will be held (trap shooting portion) at Bridgeport Rod and Gun Club in Bridgeport. A total of 1,505 students from 123 schools will be represented at this shoot. The skeet portion of the shoot will be held at The DeWitt Fish and Game Club in Jamesville on the same dates.

The Capital Region schools participating in the tournaments are Argyle, Berlin, Berne-Knox-Westerlo, Bolton, Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake, Coxsackie-Athens, Fort Ann, Galway, Granville, Hoosick Falls, Hudson Falls, Johnsburg, Lansingburgh, Mohonasen, Sharon Springs, South Glens Falls, Taconic Hills, Tamarac, Voorheesville, Warrensburg and Whitehall. Support your school.

For more detailed information or to get your school on board, visit or email

Rensselaer County High School Trap Shooting

The Rensselaer County Legislature has supported and encouraged high school students to get involved in the sport of trap shooting.
In 2021 we adopted a resolution opposing an effort to ban the sport by the New York State Assembly.
Since then, the sport has really caught on with our local high schools, and they are producing some very talented athletes.
Last week, Vice Chair Bob Loveridge joined DA Mary Pat Donnelly at the Brunswick Sportsman’s Club as students from the Tamarac Clay Target Club showed off their skills.
The New York State High School Clay Target League recently posted their Spring 2023 standings and Tamarac placed second in their conference, Hoosick Falls also placed seconds, and Berlin Central School District took first place in their conference.
Kate Crandall from Berlin Central had a high season average as well as Madina Kasianczuk from the Lansingburgh Central School District Lansingburgh Trap Team.
Liam Roarke from Lansingburgh High School had the third highest male seasonal average and Andrew Stratton from the Hoosick Falls Central School took the top honor of overall high season, and top male high average.
On June 3rd, the Capital District Sportsman Center and the Hendrick Hudson Fish & Game Club will host the Second Annual High School Trap Invitational that will feature teams from Berlin, Lansingburgh, Tamarac, Hoosick Falls, and Columbia High School.
Best of luck to all of our young athletes!

Gillibrand is pushing for tracking gun sales

Gillibrand is pushing for the new credit card code for banks to track gun sales. The reason is supposedly to help law enforcement monitor suspicious and criminal activity. Not ONE single suspicious or criminal activity will be found by this. The REAL REASON is to work around the law. To work around a law against a government gun registry database and to get private enterprise to make one for the government.

Contact her here to tell her you oppose this:

from spectrum news:

from WRGB:

To all Capital District Scope Members:

The Albany County Legislature will discuss proposed Local Law J, mandatory firearms storage, at the next scheduled meeting on September 12 @ 6:30pm.

Here is a copy of the bill.

If you can, please argue with them and share this.

Talking points:
According to the Heller decision, mandating a gun lock is unconstitutional. (see last paragraph of pg 2) They should have their County Attorney approve of it’s constitutionality first.

Section 2. They don’t specify how many accidental shootings occur in Albany County per year to justify this law. They should add that.

Section 3. Custodian of Weapon needs to be defined

Section 4. Is “out of immediate possession” inclusive of when you are sleeping

Section 5. Does this Negligent Storage in the second degree include a spouse or adult family member’s access

Section 7. Transfer of a weapon, does it include letting someone use the weapon at a range. Would they be required to have a gun lock on it as it is transferred.

Section 9. Severability. If any section is deemed unconstitutional, will all sponsors and voters and the County Attorney for the bill resign for breaking their oath to the constitution

An Modern Interpretation of the Words of the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment says with zero ambiguity, in the English grammar of 1787, that Americans have an absolute right (“shall not be infringed”) to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms because they as individuals may be summoned to become a ‘well-regulated militia’. In the grammar of the 18th century, it’s the militia that is ‘well-regulated’ – orderly, in a clear chain of command, not a chaotic mob — and not the guns.

From Dr. Naomi Wolf

From S.C.O.P.E. Here is a list of gun control bills which were passed in New York State during the 2022 legislative session.


List of gun control bills which passed in 2022.

  • A-1023A/S-4970A, Requires the creation and imposition of restrictive commercial practices and stringent recordkeeping and reporting to prevent gun and ammunition sales to individuals with a criminal record.
  • A-3998/S-687, Clarifies the definition of imitation weapon.
  • A-7926A/S-4116A, Requires semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in this state to be capable of microstamping ammunition.
  • A-8102A/S-6363A, Requires the court to order the search for and immediate seizure of certain firearms when a defendant willfully refuses to surrender such firearms.
  • A-8735/S-7760, Requires the Division of Criminal Justice Services to publish quarterly reports providing information related to firearms, rifles and shotguns used in the commission of crimes in the state of New York.
  • A-8736/S-7796, Amends the definition of a “disguised gun” to include any firearms designed and intended to appear to be a toy gun.
  • A-8741/S-7736, Amends the “Scott J. Beigel Unfinished Receiver Act” relating to unserialized frames or receivers.
  • A-8786/S-7705, Criminalizes the sale of ghost guns; requires any person licensed as a gunsmith or a dealer in firearms to register with the Division of Criminal Justice Services any unserialized firearm, rifle or shotgun, finished frame or receiver, or unfinished frame or receiver.
  • A-8846/S-7716, Relates to the Firearm Violence Research Institute; makes technical changes to the institute’s procedures, goals and activities.
  • A-10428A/S-9229A, Relates to the definition of large capacity ammunition feeding device for purposes of the offense of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree; and repeals section 265.36 of the penal law.
  • A-10497/S-9407B, Relates to the unlawful purchase and the unlawful sale or delivery of a body vest.
  • A-10502/S-9113A, Authorizes certain health care providers to file an application for an Extreme Risk Protection Order against a person examined by such health care provider in certain circumstances.
  • A-10503/S-9458, Relates to the purchase or taking possession of a semiautomatic rifle; requires a license to purchase or take possession of a semiautomatic rifle; establishes the crimes of criminal purchase of a semiautomatic rifle and criminal sale of a semiautomatic rifle; requires recertification of licenses to purchase or take possession of a semiautomatic rifle every five years.
  • A-10504/S-9456, Relates to defining firearm; provides that the term firearm shall also include any other weapon that is not otherwise defined containing any component that provides housing or a structure designed to hold or integrate any fire control component that is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by action of explosive