Credit to Gun Politics of NY who spotted this.
It happened in Massachusetts, when fool Attorney General Maura Healy “reinterpreted” their 20 year old “Assault Weapon” (Modern Firearm) law so that current Massachusetts compliant AR-15’s can no longer be purchased and are longer considered compliant. Although currently owned Massachusetts AR’s are grandfathered, I’m sure its only a matter of time before some other political fool tries to confiscate them.
Fools are at it again. It’s an official resolution from New York City that pertains to all of New York State, not just the city. In NEW YORK CITY, fool NYC Councilman Fernando Cabrera introduced a city resolution that says modifying an AR-15 to make it New York State compliant is an effort to SKIRT THE NYS SAFE ACT LAW and New York State should close the “statutory loophole” that allows compliant rifles to exist by modifying standard configuration AR-15s. And the resolution states… the state will be a safer place when any modification to an AR-15 is made illegal. Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York calls on the New York State Legislature to introduce and pass and for the Governor to sign legislation making it illegal to remodify an AR-15 firearm.
So there you go. Now they are taking baby steps toward taking away your compliant ARs also. The anti-gun fools in NYC are petitioning the rest of New York to ban NY compliant AR-15s. It may not be this year, or next year, but what do you think their next step will be…….And now we see the slippery slope we are all perched upon.
This will go nowhere….., but is is a trial balloon, or a planted seed, designed to take away your rights. Check it out here: Res 1044-2019