Lately every time I try to contact Chuck Schumer by phone or by email, I get a message his mailbox is full. This has been going on for months. What a lousy representative.
Actually, I did hear from him when I contacted him about a year ago. I got a form reply letter dated about 6 months after I contacted him.
P.S. Mitch McConnell’s office picked up the phone right away when I called right after calling Schumer. Among other things, I told them to give Schumer a hard time for not being available.
This is what is wrong with the system. Who let him go three times, DA Soares? Do you think this will be referred to the federal court system so he can go away for a federal crime? Of course this criminal gets logged into the gun violence archive ( as a victim of gun violence, thus misleading the public into thinking this was a crime that happened to a law-abiding citizen.
Sen. Chuck Schumer on Sunday proposed new legislation to require the FBI to sign off on body armor sales to civilians.
In New York it’s a felony punishable by up to four years if the culprit is wearing a bulletproof vest while carrying a firearm or committing a violent crime.
Schumer said he’ll submit the new proposed law when congress reconvenes in September.
Please call or email him and tell him not to regulate another way to protect yourself!
The City of Troy, Troy Police Department, Rensselaer County District Attorney’s Office, Troy African American Pastoral Alliance, President/Dr. Bishop Norman R. Macklin (New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church) and Reverend Charles Burkes (United Ordained Church) are co-hosting a gun buyback event in the Collar City on Thursday, May 30.
The purpose of the event is to reduce the amount of illegally possessed firearms available in the community, officials noted.
From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., guns may be turned in anonymously at the Troy Department of Public Works parking lot, located at 40 Orr Street.
Cash rewards will be handed out for the guns, including $200 for any working handgun (pistol or revolver), $50 for any working rifle/shotgun, $40 for any non-working, actual handgun (does not include BB/pellet, Airsoft, blank, replica, etc.).
Officials said the guns must be unregistered to receive a reward. Registered guns that are no longer wanted can be turned in for safekeeping.
Police also ask to make sure the gun is unloaded and brought in a container, bag, box, etc.
Please review this list of anti gun legislation. Due to the makeup of the Assembly and the Senate, any of these bills can be passed at any time in the next 4 years. This list is not complete! There are more added every day. You need to be a thorn in the side of the anti gun legislators. If there are any bills that you feel strongly about (many should), please contact your assemblyperson, your state senator, the chair of the committee the bill was assigned to, and each committee member. The contact information for the various committee members can be found on the respective NYS Assembly and NYS Senate web sites.
Calls are effective, letters are effective, and postcards can be effective if they are hand written. I’m told pre-printed postcards are not as effective, so write by hand if you can. Clubs, bring a stack of 3 x 5 cards to your meetings along with an address of a Senator or Assemblyman and tell members to bring a stamp. Have members fill out cards while you meet.
• A00153 (S02415) Includes attachments to electronic devices
within the meaning of the
term “imitation weapon” 01/09/2019 referred to consumer affairs and protection
• A00503 (S01764) Nicholas’s law. To provide regulations for
safe storage of firearms in order to prevent
injury and death, particularly of children, by unintentional access, discharge
and use of weapons.
• A00506 Safe storage of rifles, shotguns, and firearms.
Requiring gun owners to safely store their rifles,
shotguns and other firearms when not in the owner’s immediate possession or
• A00625 (S00446) Establishes the safe homes act authorizing
law enforcement to remove firearms found
on the premises where there has been a report of domestic violence.
• A00716 Relates to eliminating the default “proceed”
firearm loophole. If no determination can be made
at the end of three business days after a NICS check, under federal law it is
within the discretion of the
federal firearms licensee to complete a sale and transfer a weapon, even if the result of the national instant
background check is a “delay.”
• A00794 (S02938) Relates to the offenses of rape in the first, second and third degrees; repealer. This bill removes the penetration requirement from the rape statutes, redefines rape to include oral and anal sexual conduct within the definition of rape and makes conforming changes throughout various areas of law.
• A00859 Relates to a temporary permit to carry or possess a firearm. Creates a process for the issuance of a temporary permit to carry or possess a firearm for persons who are not residents of the state of New York; provides an affirmative defense to possession of a loaded firearm by certain persons and provides reciprocity for persons licensed in other states.
• A00890 Establishes a waiting period before a firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person. This bill would impose a mandatory ten-day waiting period before an individual can take possession of a firearm
• A01007 This bill would increase student safety by prohibiting public schools from offering marksmanship programs or other programs that allow students to possess and discharge firearms.
• A01054 Requires the creation and imposition of restrictive commercial practices and stringent recordkeeping and reporting to prevent gun sales to criminals
• A01064 This bill requires all schools to include age
appropriate instruction on anti-gun violence as part of the education curriculum provided in regular classrooms.
• A01251 (S02277) Requires semiautomatic pistols
manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in this state to be capable of microstamping ammunition
• A01697 (S00686)
Requires that no applications, or the literature given therewith, shall be
approved, distributed or used in any capacity if they contain an explicit
written warning regarding ownership or use of a firearm. To prevent
municipalities from the distribution of literature containing explicit warnings
regarding the ownership or use of a firearm. Requiring this information to be
distributed is nothing but scare tactics being used to try and scare an
individual away from having a firearm.
• A01707 (S00848) Provides for a gun violence prevention
program in the public schools; provides that the
program is to be developed by the department of education in conjunction with
other state agencies and educational
organizations and is to be made available to schools for use in pre-kindergarten through twelfth
grade; provides for a report to the governor and the legislature on the program; enacts the “gun violence
prevention act”.
• A01724 This bill would limit the sale of ammunition
designed for use in assault weapons to twice the capacity of such weapon(s) to those authorized to possess
said weapon(s) within a one hundred
twenty day period.
• A02005 (S01505) Enacts into law major components of
legislation necessary to implement the state public protection and general
government budget for the 2019-2020 state fiscal year.
• A02441 Implements the effective background check act of
2019; requires background checks for employees who would be authorized to
possess or transfer firearms. The purpose of this legislation is to increase
the effectiveness of the criminal background check system require that all
employees of gunsmiths or dealers whose duties include handling, selling, or
otherwise disposing of firearms, rifles, or shotguns pass a background check.
• A02495 Provides for the use of electronic dart guns or
electronic stun guns on school grounds by school safety agents. This bill would
allow authorized, trained school employees to possess Tasers in schools, a
safer alternative to guns.
• A02538 An act to amend the penal law, in relation to
defining and prohibiting
an accessory to accelerate the firing rate of a
semiautomatic weapon, to prevent the modification of a weapon to effectively
make it an automatic weapon or machine gun.
• A02645 (S03984) An act to amend the penal law, in relation
to the related use of a lethal or explosive device; To impose a sentence of
seven years consecutive to whatever sentence is imposed on the underlying
offense when the defendant possesses a lethal device such as a machine gun,
pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, assault weapon, electric dart, stun gun, explosive
device, bomb, grenade, rocket, missile or mine.
• A02684 (S02448) An act to amend the penal law, in relation
to prohibiting the possession, manufacture, transport and disposition of
rapid-fire modification devices; to
prohibit the possession, manufacture, transportation, shipment and sale
of items that accelerate the firing rate of firearms, rifles, or shotguns.
• A02685 (S02449) An act to amend the executive law, in relation
to establishing the municipal gun buyback program; and to amend the state
finance law, in relation to the municipal gun buyback program fund. This bill
directs the Division of State Police to administer a statewide municipal gun
buyback program and promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the
implementation of such program.
• A02686 (S02450) This legislation would provide for
criminal penalties for any person who resides with a child under the age of 16
and who stores or otherwise leaves a rifle, shotgun or firearm out of his or
her immediate possession or control without having first securely locked such
rifle, shotgun or firearm in an appropriate safe storage depository or rendered
it incapable of being fired by using an appropriate gun locking device.
• A02689 (S02451) This bill would prevent individuals
determined by a court to be likely to engage in conduct that would result in
serious harm to themselves or others from purchasing, possessing, or attempting
to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle, or shotgun.
• A02690 (S02374) Establishes a waiting period before a
firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person; requires either the
National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) or its successor has
issued a “proceed” response to the licensee, or thirty calendar days
have elapsed since the date the licensee, seller, transferor or dealer
contacted NICS to initiate a national instant criminal background check and
NICS has not notified the licensee, seller, transferor or dealer that the
transfer of the firearm, rifle or shotgun to such person should be denied.
• A03152 Establishes a legal procedure to obtain a serial
number or other mark of identification from the division of state police prior
to the assembly of firearms, and provides for the creation of the dealers’
record of sale account to which the applicant pays $350, to fund such
activities by the division of state police and the gun violence family relief
fund to provide assistance to the victims of gun violence and their families.
• A03258 Enacts the “handgun trigger safety act”
which creates a fund with funding to
be provided by the
legislature, to develop personalized (“smart gun”) handgun
technology by requiring key-like items or a biometric match before a weapon can
fire; requires that all handguns all handguns manufactured for sale in the
state of New York have personalized handgun technology within five years and
all handguns be retrofitted within ten years.
• A03677 (S00538) Removes restrictions related to the
maximum peak draw weight and minimum limb width; establishes parity in relation
to the minimum distance with which a crossbow could be discharged from an
occupied structure consistent with that of a longbow; clarifies use of a
crossbow in relation to the hunter safety course be presented as part of the
bow hunter education course; and permits the use of a crossbow by youth hunters
12 and 13 years of age.
• A03763 This legislation would clarify existing law to
clearly state that the mentioned provisions shall also apply to school
functions whether on or off the traditional definition of “school
• A03779 (S02902) Relates to requiring manufacturers to use
a coding system on all handgun and assault weapon ammunition. Establishes a
statewide database to maintain and track coded ammunition; establishes
penalties for individuals who violate such provisions; also establishes the
ammunition coding system database fund. To establishing a statewide database to
maintain and track coded ammunition and establishing penalties for individuals
who violate such provisions; and to amend the state finance law, in relation to
establishing the ammunition coding system database fund.
• A04067 (S01038) Relates to the restriction of the sale of
ammunition to only individuals authorized to possess such weapon; creates the
no-gun database under the division of criminal justice services. The purpose of
the bill is to prevent the purchase of firearm ammunition by individuals not
allowed to own or possess the weapon for which the ammo is used for, pursuant
to state and local law. Any person selling firearm ammunition within the state
will be permitted to cross-reference the database with the potential buyer of
ammunition’s identifying information. This bill would be similar to the
restrictions placed on handgun ammunition purchases, in that if you are
authorized to own the
weapon, you may purchase its corresponding ammunition. This
database would then be made accessible for a cursory search by ammunition
sellers, in order to ensure only authorized individuals are purchasing the
• A04304 Relates to an increase in punishment for certain
actions against on-duty auxiliary police officers such as criminally negligent
homicide, assault or menacing of such officer.
• A04380 (S03771) This bill would have all firearm
background checks to be processed by the NYS State Police background check unit
(a new unit) via telephone or web based, who will do the actual NICS background
check with a fee charge in addition to the buyer filling out an ATF 4473. The
purchasing of ammunition could also be done through this proposed new system
(and a fee charge for that also). [The
cost of the fees aren’t defined and left vague]
• A04496 This bill seeks to amend or repeal those sections
of the NY SAFE Act that are of questionable
legality or which present practical problems for mental health officials or law
enforcement and those sections that impose an unfunded mandate on local
• A04816 (S04202) To prohibit the manufacture,
transportation, shipment and possession of
an undetectable knife as defined. This legislation is
modeled after a provision in California’s “Dangerous Weapons Control
Law.” [What about household use (food preparation)?
• A05303 (S00539) Expands the definition of immediate family
to include siblings, grandparents and grandchildren as such term relates to the
sale or disposal of certain firearms.
• A05376 (S02614) An act to repeal chapter 1 of the laws of
2013 (“NY SAFE Act”), amending the
criminal procedure law and other laws relating to suspension and revocation of
the disposal of firearms licenses; private sale or disposal of firearms, rifles
or shotguns and establishing a minimum age to possess a firearm relating to gun
control. The entirety of chapter 1 would be repealed.
• A05758 (S00266) This bill seeks to reestablish the rights
of law abiding citizens’ in rural and suburban areas of the state by limiting
the application of the SAFE Act to Kings,
Queens, Richmond, New York, and the Bronx.
• S00035 Clarifies the definition of imitation weapon.
“Imitation weapon” means any device
or object made
of plastic, wood, metal or any
other material which substantially duplicates or can reasonably be perceived to
be an actual firearm, air rifle, pellet
gun, or “B-B” gun; unless such imitation weapon is colored
[other than black, blue, silver or aluminum,] on the entire exterior
surface or as the predominant color in combination with other colors in any
03/04/2019 referred
to consumer affairs and protection
• S00536 Relates to gun buy back programs; requires entities
operating such programs to check the serial number of all firearms obtained
against the NYSPIN records and to obtain the express permission of the lawful
owner of any firearm found to be stolen before the destruction thereof.
• S01009 Relates to the offenses of criminal possession of
various types of weapon in the third and fourth degrees includiing possession
of three or more firearms.
(see bill for list of the numerous types of weapons.)
• S02143 Relates to the manufacture, assembly, possession,
license and disposal of ghost guns, the establishment of the offense of
unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon and the
sentencing for certain offenses regarding ghost guns; relates to the suspension
and revocation of certain licenses or registrations; adds the offense of
unlawful dissemination of instructions for the assembly of a weapon to the list
of designated offenses for the purpose of obtaining eavesdropping and video
surveillance warrants; and includes the offense of unlawful dissemination of
instructions for the assembly of a weapon in the definition of violent or
serious crime.Relates to the manufacture, assembly, possession, license and
disposal of ghost guns.
• S02280 Establishes the offense of unlawful possession of
firearms by persons under twenty-one.
It shall be unlawful
for any person under the age of twenty-one to possess any rifle,
shotgun, or firearm or any gun or any instrument or weapon in or upon which any
loaded or blank cartridges may be used,
or any loaded or blank cartridges or ammunition therefor,
provided that the possession of a
rifle or shotgun or ammunition therefor by
the holder of a hunting license
or permit issued pursuant to article eleven of the environmental
conservation law and used in accordance
with said law shall not be governed by this section.
• S02437 Relates to prohibiting the possession of centerfire
50 caliber or larger firearms.
“50 Caliber Threat Reduction Act”. Relates to
prohibiting the possession of certain 50 caliber firearms; directs the division
of state police to embark on a program whereby persons currently in lawful
possession of such weapons must register said firearm or may be reimbursed for
the fair market value thereof upon turning in such weapons to a designated
• S03565 Prohibits persons, firms or corporations engaged in
the retail business of selling firearms from selling, delivering or
transferring child operated firearms; defines “child operated
firearm” to mean a pistol or revolver manufactured 1 year after the
effective date of these provisions which does not contain a childproofing
device or mechanism incorporated into the design of such pistol or revolver to
effectively preclude an average 5 year old from firing same; makes violations a
class A misdemeanor.
• S03898 Removes references of gravity knives as a dangerous
weapon from certain provisions of the penal law relating to firearms and other
dangerous weapons.
• S04067 Establishes the safe homes act. Establishes the
safe homes act authorizing law enforcement to remove firearms found on the
premises where there has been a report of domestic violence.
This is summarized from our friends at the NYSRPA, all credit is to NYSRPA:
Weeks ago, Congresswoman Stefanik introduced a clean re-authorization of a current law – the Violence Against Women Act of 2013. Speaker Nancy Pelosi chose not to reauthorize this bill, but instead saw it as an opportunity to pass her extremist agenda and ban guns. Despite Congresswoman Stefanik’s attempts to reauthorize the current law without the extraneous and unconstitutional gun provisions, the Democrat bill passed the House this week.
Here are the facts: This is yet another ploy by Democrats to quietly slip gun bans into legislation masquerading as a protection. This bill institutes a lifetime gun ban for misdemeanor offenses. This bill uses the legitimate and serious issue of domestic violence as a smokescreen for its real goal — banning firearms ownership.
Thank you, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, for continuing to stand up for the 2nd Amendment. Below is the YouTube link:
Rensselaer County just passed a resolution relating to the second amendment as follows (taken from the press release):
The Legislature passed a
resolution reaffirming their support of the Second Amendment of the U.S.
Constitution, and opposing any further infringements on the constitutional right
to bear arms. The resolution opposes long gun registration, the requirement of
obtaining a hunting permit before purchasing a firearm, social media background
checks, and opposition to the “Red Flag” law. The legislation passed 10-5 with
the Democrats in the minority voting against it.
“We cannot sit back idly
and let the State chip away at our constitutional rights”, said Legislator Todd
From the While the House of Representatives passed two gun control bills, both with a handful of Republican votes, Ms. Stefanik opposed both.
“I am proud of my record as a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment and of working across the aisle to enact common-sense reforms that protect our children, our schools and our families from senseless gun violence,” Ms. Stefanik wrote in a statement on one of these, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act. “The legislation brought to the Floor today infringes on the constitutional right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms, with little to no effect on deterring criminals.”
In her statement, she also criticized Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, who signed the Red Flag bill into law on Monday with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in attendance. The new state law allows judges to issue extreme-risk orders of protection to temporarily remove firearms from someone deemed a threat to themselves or others.
“I also stand with our law enforcement community in opposing the firearm legislation signed by Governor Cuomo and championed by Speaker Pelosi earlier this week, which effectively boxes out law enforcement and hands their authority directly over to the courts,” Ms. Stefanik wrote. “This misguided legislation infringes on the rights of responsible gun owners across the North Country and is yet another example of Governor Cuomo’s failed leadership in our state.”
The following votes only include roll call votes, as other kinds of votes — like voice votes — are not recorded. Procedural votes are not included.
Ms. Stefanik voted to suspend the rules and pass the Innovators to Entrepreneurs Act. It passed, 385-18.
She voted to suspend the rules and pass the Recognizing Achievement in Classified School Employees Act. It passed, 387-19.
She voted to pass a bill relating to a national emergency declared by the president on Feb. 15. It passed, 245-182.
She voted to suspend the rules and pass the Natural Resources Management Act. It passed, 363-62.
She voted against the Bipartisan Background Checks Act. It passed, 240-190.
She voted against the Enhanced Background Checks Act. It passed, 228-198.