Patriot John Wallace Passes Away

From Oathkeepers Facebook Page:

To all Oath Keepers and others, sadly I must report to you that our recent past President John Wallace has passed away from a medical condition he has been battling for some time.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. John was a Founding Member of New York Oath Keepers and served in many capacities including Vice President, and most recently, President, but found it necessary to step down because of his illness. He set a great example as a continuous fighter for the Constitution and was, and will continue to be, a constant reminder of the importance of honoring our OATH. I trust that John will continue to be with us as we continue to fight on.

Dan Devlin, Pres. New York Oath Keepers

For more about John’s service to his family and community, and specifics about arrangements click on the link below, or copy and paste into your browser.…


Comment: I never met John, but I saw many of his videos on YouTube.  I liked him a lot.  He seemed caring and tough at the same time, and he was a great speaker.