2nd Request for Help for a Member

Hello Friends,

A local man who is a friend of mine could use your help.  His name is Fred Phelps and he has been battling a pre SAFE Act second amendment case for several years and is trying to go to the U.S. Supreme Court over it.  He can’t afford the filing fee cost and his attorney put together a go-fund-me page to gather funds to pursue the lawsuit.


Fred has been added to the NICs database after a temporary admission to a mental institution, where he was evaluated and released as as not being adjudicated mentally ill.  He has no criminal record.  He wants to retire and enjoy the rest of his life hunting and fishing but is not allowed to purchase a rifle.

I talked to Fred personally and I also talked to his attorney and they are both decent people.  If you can spare some money, please help support Fred and his lawsuit so he can go hunting.

Capital District Second Amendment Rights Seemingly Preserved, For Now

Thank-you for voting for the best second-amendment-rated politicians in the Capital District’s Special elections.

Please keep in mind that Jake Ashby (Assembly Seat 107 – Renselaer/Columbia County) and Chris Tague (Assembly Seat 102 – Albany/Columbia/Greene County) won by only several hundred votesI think you made a difference!

Now we have to hold their feet to the fire and make sure they continue to stand up for our constitutional right and not just give it lip service.


Capital District SCOPE wants you to vote in the special elections today.  Here are candidate ratings, based our members review of the candidates support of the second amendment .  Make your own choice.

For Assembly District 107 (Rensselaer and parts of Columbia County):

Jake Ashby:  Rated A     Veteran, opposes the SAFE Act, strongly supports second amendment rights   http://wamc.org/post/meet-ny-107th-assembly-district-republican-candidate-jake-ashby, thinks school districts should make their own decisions on arming teachers

Cindy Doran:  Rated F     Said she supports the SAFE Act and will act to ban weapons, making gun control an important election issue   http://wamc.org/post/meet-ny-107th-assembly-district-democratic-candidate-cindy-doran


For Assembly District 102 (Parts of Albany, Columbia and Greene County):

Christopher Tague:  Rated B      Thinks bump stocks should be outlawed,  has not said much else on the second amendment

Aidan O’Connor Jr:    Rated D   Says he is a gun owner, hasn’t pushed gun control in his campaign, does not like how SAFE Act was passed, thinks guns should be registered, believes magazine limit of 10 rounds is good for NY

Wes Laraway, Independent Party:  Rated  D     Says he believes in the second amendment, thinks the SAFE Act needs major reforms, wants 21 year age requirement for all gun purchases, believes in medical detectors at schools, believes armed sheriff deputies should be at our schools, thinks arming teachers is a horrible idea

Request for Help for a Member

Hello Friends,

A Capital District SCOPE member could use a hand.  His name is Fred Phelps and he has been battling a pre SAFE Act second amendment case for several years and is trying to go to the U.S. Supreme Court over it.  He can’t afford the cost and his attorney put together a go-fund-me page to gather funds to pursue the lawsuit.


He has been added to the NICs database after a temporary admission to a mental institution, where he was evaluated and released as as not being adjudicated mentally ill.  He has no criminal record.  He wants to retire and enjoy the rest of his life hunting and fishing but is not allowed to purchase a rifle.

I talked to Fred personally and I also talked to his attorney and they are both decent people.  If you can spare some money, please help support Fred and his lawsuit.

Teacher’s aide arrested, fired for having loaded gun in Rockland County school

From Dailyfreeman.com

Teacher’s aide arrested, fired for having loaded gun in Rockland County school.  The school, in Rockland County, serves an autistic student body ages 5 to 21.

Police said the 9mm handgun was discovered in the handbag owned by Gillian Jeffords, 24, of Warwick, who has been working for Rockland County BOCES since last September. She was charged with the felony of criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds.

She was fired on Friday, according to News12 Hudson Valley, after initially being suspended……. more here

WANT TO BE AN ACTIVIST?  Email, write or call the district attorney and tell him to bury the charges,  https://rocklandgov.com/departments/district-attorney/contact-district-attoney/  or call the school  https://www.rocklandboces.org/special-education/jesse-j-kaplan-school/


Kill A2406 / S1414, Cuomo’s proposed 10 day waiting period

Governor Cuomo is pushing a proposal to extend the NICS waiting period from 3 to 10 days when there’s a delayed response to a NICS check. The legislation A.2406 passed the state assembly on March 6th. The companion bill S.1414 now sits in the state senate codes committee where Senator Andrew Lanza is the chairman. Senator Lanza’s contact information is phone: 518-455-3215, his email: lanza@nysenate.gov. Please contact your senator and Senator Lanza and ask them to kill S.1414.

S.1414, Is a proposal to extend the waiting period to ten days when a purchaser receives a delayed response on his NICS check. A delayed response can be because the potential buyer’s name is on the terror watch list, a list that has been proven to be flawed, to say the least. The most well-known example was the inclusion of the late Senator Ted Kennedy and musician Yusuf Islam, also known as Cat Stevens on the government no-fly list. Being on the terror watch list  does not mean you have been convicted of any crime, therefore denial or a delay, because you happened to end up on this list, is not only a violation of the Second Amendment but also the due process rights as guaranteed under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S Constitution. We oppose this legislation.

The biggest problem plaguing the current NICS system is the incompetence within the government bureaucracy, both at the federal level and the states. The problems that exist need to be addressed within the bureaucracy and not at the expense of law-abiding Americans.

3/9/18 at 11 am Saratoga Springs City Council To Consider Ban On Gun Sales At City Center

If you can make it, try to go to this tomorrow.

Saratoga Springs’ city council will consider a measure to ban the sale of guns at a downtown venue.

A special city council meeting is set for Friday at 11 a.m.

Called for by Democratic Mayor Meg Kelly, the only item on the agenda would authorize the mayor to sign an addendum to the lease agreement between the city and Saratoga Springs City Center.

The multi-purpose venue has hosted more than 100 gun shows over three decades.

It’s not the first time there’s been a call to ban the sale of firearms at the City Center. Demonstrators protested a gun show held months after the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting.

In October 2013, 2011 shooting survivor and Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and fellow Democrat New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman toured a gun show at the City Center.

From: http://wamc.org/post/saratoga-springs-city-council-consider-ban-gun-sales-city-center

No amount of compromise will ever be enough, here’s proof…

There is an example from our recent past.

One particular group that has seen “compromise” and incrementalism used as a way to strip them of their rights is smokers. This is what happens when you compromise with liberals.

Comedian and podcaster Adam Carolla has made this point many times on his show.  It certainly exemplifies how a slope quickly becomes slippery and, if your interest is simply compromise, you can compromise your rights away.

To paraphrase Carolla, there was a time when you could smoke in restaurants. They are private property, and if the owner wanted to allow smoking, smoking was allowed. Then the government (liberals) decided smokers should be herded into their own area of a restaurant, the “smoking section.” So they went so smokers in the main dining room and said, “We’re going to need you to sit over here, in this side room You can smoke all you want, we just don’t want other people to smell it while they’re eating. You understand, right?”

Smokers, not wanting to cause a scene and knowing some non-smokers could be annoyed, happily complied.

Then the government comes back and says, “We’re going to need you to move to the bar area when you smoke. People are drinking there, and eating here, so it’d just be better if you moved over there.”

Smokers picked up their ashtrays, “Sure thing,” they said, and moved to the bar.

The government comes back and says they need smokers to step out front. “If you could just stand out front and smoke, that would be much better for everyone, OK? Don’t worry, there’s an awning and a heater, so you’ll be protected from the weather.”

Smokers picked up and moved outside.

“If you could move 50 feet from the door, that would be very helpful,” the government said next. “People smell smoke as they walk in the door and we don’t want that. Thanks.”

And now smokers are stuck down the block, wet and wondering how this happened. If someone had come up to them at first and said, “Hey, get down the street if you want to smoke,” it never would have happened, they wouldn’t have stood for it. But little by little, inch by inch, they moved because each move was small and seemed like a compromise.

Now smokers are never getting back inside, even if the owners of a bar or restaurant want them to. Their rights are gone, the private property rights of the owners are gone, and it was all done in the name of compromise.

There is no compromise with someone who doesn’t want you to exist, there is only incrementally losing ground until you no longer exist. A right diminished will never return, government does not cede back power once seized.

Trying to appease leftists never works because nothing short of everything they want is ever enough for them.

If people who support the Second Amendment start to compromise with liberals whose ultimate goal is to strip everyone of their right to defend themselves, it won’t be too long before they’re out on the street in the rain with the smokers. Never give them an inch.

Taken and adapted from: https://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2018/03/04/do-not-give-an-inch-on-the-second-amendment-n2457078

We Shall All Hang Separately

To all supporters of the second amendment:  NOW is the time for all the second amendment support factions in the state and in the country to unite together and support each other!  NOW.  We can argue later, after this crisis is over.  This current attack on our rights is the worst it has ever been, and we have to fight it together.  Every single  second we fight with each other is a second we are not fighting the enemy, and that makes the enemy stronger, and we may all be defeated because of it.

Whether or not you support every aspect of another groups position, get over it, we have more in common with each other than we have with those trying to take our rights away from us and our children.  Even if some of us dislike or hate each other, it’s time to put our personal hatred aside for the greater good.  Be a UNIFIER, not a DIVIDER!

Have courage to tell the dividers to stop and adjust their sights to the gun control crowd.  We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.