HR 38, Reciprocity Update #3

Here is what GOA says:

By now, it is very possible that the House will combine the “Fix NICS” legislation with the reciprocity bill.

Ultimately, Gun Owners of America prefers that Congress send a clean reciprocity bill to the President.

But if the House combines the two bills together, one of two things will happen.

First, combining the two bills could end up killing the Fix NICS legislation. As a stand-alone bill, because of the support of the NRA and many in the House leadership, Fix NICS has enough votes to pass VERY EASILY in the House and Senate.

But it is very likely that Democrats would oppose a combined bill and filibuster it in the Senate. For this reason, prominent Senate Republicans and Democrats oppose combining the two bills — because they don’t want to kill the Fix NICS legislation.

Second, there is the slight possibility that combining the two bills will help concealed reciprocity go to the President’s desk.

As the situation stands now, Senate Democrats have enough votes to filibuster and kill reciprocity. But a combined bill might encourage some Red State Democrats to break from Schumer and vote “aye” on the bill.

HR 38 Reciprocity Update #2 – A Sneaky Change Occurred

There is a dirty trick that happened to HR 38.  It was secretly amended to include the Fix NICs (HR 4477) legislation into it.   It goes to the House Rules Committee Tuesday (12/5) before the final floor vote.  The only way to get it amended to remove the Fix NICs text is to ask your representative to amend it to remove all the HR 4477 text.  Here is what I wrote:

Representative Tonko,
HR 38 was amended to include text from HR 4477 into it.  It is scheduled to go to the rules committee and get a House vote on Tuesday. HR 4477 text was added to HR 38 in a non transparent and sneaky fashion with no discussion. I want you to please amend HR 38 to remove all the text from HR 4477.

Please call or email your representative.  We want a clean vote on HR 38, not the one that was amended to include HR 4477.

H.R. 38 – Reciprocity Update

There was great news coming out of the House Judiciary Committee today! By a 19-11 vote, the Constitutional Carry-friendly reciprocity legislation was voted out of the House committee and is now on its way to passage by the full House. The legislation would allow anyone with a pistol permit to carry in any state in the country.

Next it goes to the House floor for debate, possible amendments, and a full vote. Then the Senate votes on their version.

Now is the time for us all to put the heavy pressure on our representatives. The Capital District SCOPE Chapter is represented by: Tonko (D) in District 20 (Albany, Schenectady, part Rensselaer, part Saratoga) and Faso (R) in District 19 (Greene, Columbia, part Rensselaer).

Tonko does not support the bill and does not support us gun owners. We need to be a constant (but polite) pain in his ass. All gun owners in his district need to contact him repeatedly until the vote and tell him he is not representing us and he needs to change his mind and support HR 38. We need to be able to protect ourselves and our families when traveling, without worrying about going to prison. Call Faso too, he is worried about his next election and he has liberal protestors outside his office all the time. Tell him to support HR 38 and he will have your support in the next election.

Contacting is easy to do, call the congressional switchboard at 866-338-1015 any time, you will be connected to his office and you can leave a message. If this is important to you, you can call daily if you want, to get the point across how important this is.

Call the congressional switchboard at 866-338-1015 any time, it’s easy. Even if you don’t have a pistol permit, you might get one someday, or someone with a pistol might save your butt someday.

Capital District SCOPE

Patriot John Wallace Passes Away

From Oathkeepers Facebook Page:

To all Oath Keepers and others, sadly I must report to you that our recent past President John Wallace has passed away from a medical condition he has been battling for some time.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. John was a Founding Member of New York Oath Keepers and served in many capacities including Vice President, and most recently, President, but found it necessary to step down because of his illness. He set a great example as a continuous fighter for the Constitution and was, and will continue to be, a constant reminder of the importance of honoring our OATH. I trust that John will continue to be with us as we continue to fight on.

Dan Devlin, Pres. New York Oath Keepers

For more about John’s service to his family and community, and specifics about arrangements click on the link below, or copy and paste into your browser.…


Comment: I never met John, but I saw many of his videos on YouTube.  I liked him a lot.  He seemed caring and tough at the same time, and he was a great speaker.

Last Minute Election Rating

Rensselaer County

Rensselaer County Clerk Frank Merola rated A


Frank Merola was not mentioned before because the Times Union did not mention the Rensselaer County Clerk race. I just saw it on the ballot.

Election Day Special

Capital District Ratings

Rensselaer County:

Executive Steve McLaughlin  rated A

Legislator District 3 Todd Tessman rated A

Legislator District 2 John Hebert rated D

Grafton Town Justice Christopher Meyer rated A

Information for Capital District Voters from NYSRPA

This list is from NYSRPA and may be useful to you.  It includes some candidates from Rensselaer County, Columbia County and Schenectady County that NYSRPA endorses.


There is a second amendment rally planned at the NYS Capitol Sunday 11/5 from 11 to 3

For anyone,
There is a national pro second amendment rally across the country in every state on Sunday 11/5. The NYS rally is at the state capital Sunday from 11 to 3. Neither SCOPE, NYSRPA, or GOA-NY has shown an interest. Anyone interested, please show up.  See the attached facebook event link which has some details on where it is and where to park.  Anyone who can’t make it should wear and empty holster or pro 2A apparel to show solidarity with gun owners on Sunday.

Information on Proposal 3 on the Ballot – Forest Preserve Land

This information is from Bill B

Proposal 3 – Authorizing the Use of Forest Preserve Land for Specified Purposes
The proposed amendment will create a land account with up to 250 acres of forest preserve land eligible for use by towns, villages, and counties that have no viable alternative to using forest preserve land to address specific public health and safety concerns; as a substitute for the land removed from the forest preserve, another 250 acres of land, subject to legislative approval, will be added to the forest preserve. The proposed amendment also will allow bicycle trails and certain public utility lines to be located within the width of highways that traverse the forest preserve while minimizing removal of trees and vegetation. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?
The land bank would be referred to in law as the Health and Safety Land Account. Municipalities would request to use acres in the land bank to address bridge and road hazards, water wells to meet drinking water standards, and stabilizing public utility lines. Before local governments could begin requesting acres in the land bank, the state would purchase acquire 250 new acres to include in the Forest Preserve. The measure would also allow bike paths, sewer lines, and electric, telephone, and broadband lines within the width of highways (49.5 feet or the width of the easement in existence on July 1, 2015) cutting through the Forest Preserve.
Governments would need to demonstrate that no viable alternatives exist to using state Forest Preserve land for the projects. They would also be required to restore pre-project environmental conditions as much as is practicable.
The proposal will also help reduce project costs without jeopardizing or threatening the environmental concerns of the people of the state.
Our upstate communities continue to wage an uphill battle to improve their economies. This is but one small step to provide them with some relief, while at the same time allowing small infrastructure projects to move forward while continuing to protect the lands that the sporting community holds dear; the very lands we use to hunt, fish and trap and otherwise use to celebrate our great outdoors.
We strongly advise that you vote YES on Proposition 3

Bill B, thank you for letting me share it