Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA) proposed by SCOPE

The event a couple days ago in VA surely opened some eyes on Capitol Hill.


A recent development happened after last night’s Erie County SCOPE meeting. Rep. Collins has expressed a willingness to move the Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA) proposed by SCOPE forward to enactment.  ACTION NEEDED: Please make calls to his office at 716-634-2324 (Buffalo) and 202-225-5265 (Washington, D.C.) Ask for his support, and tell him that we, in turn, will support him.

SAGA would be a Federal Law that would use the due process clause of the of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to repeal the unconstitutional SAFE Act.

We must take this direction to destroy Cuomo’s SAFE Act. The New York State Legislature is too corrupt to accomplish repeal.

Frank J. Panasuk
S.C.O.P.E. BOD Member at Large

Escaped Convicts Held at Gunpoint by Homeowners Until Police Arrive

Do you remember a story about the escaped convicts from a Georgia prison June 13th. After being on the run for three days, the police caught up to them.  After a car chase with police and vehicle crash, the escaped convicts ran into the woods and to a nearby house in Tennessee.  Luckily, the homeowner was armed, and after calling the police and his neighbors, they were able to keep the murderers at gunpoint until police arrived and arrested them.

The homeowner capturing and holding the escaped convicts should be big national news.  It wasn’t.

Every 2nd Matters – A 2nd Amendment Awareness Movement

Every 2nd Matters is a group of individuals that meet online once a month to discuss what they have done to promote awareness of the 2nd amendment with the general pubic, usually on a one-to-one basis, by talking with people casually.  There is no leadership, no dues, and anyone with a firearm is already a member.  It is a coalition of like minded individual gun owners who use the 2nd day of the month to promote gun rights awareness in their own way.   Some members open carry (where permitted), some wear an every 2nd matters t-shirt, some just start conversations, and some members open carry an empty holster to elicit conversation.

One thing I don’t like, as yet, is that they want you to sign up and create an account on their web site.   You can find their web site at:

If you just want to listen to their YouTube hangout podcast while you work, the link is here:  Youtube hangouts podcast:

Yankee Marshall’s explanation of the group:

2nd Amendment Awareness Month

Governor Cuomo declared June as Gun Violence Awareness Month.  With some hard work on the part of gun owners, if Rob Astorino is voted governor we can have a 2nd Amendment Awareness month.  Wouldn’t that be great.

New York: Senate Committee Removes Hearing Protection Bill from Agenda

From the June 7th NRAILA web site:

On Wednesday, June 7, the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee was scheduled to hold a hearing on S.1209A by Sen. Robert Ortt. However, the bill was abruptly removed from the agenda. This important Second Amendment legislation would “remove the prohibition on firearm silencers.” Contrary to inaccurate Hollywood portrayals, “silencers,” or suppressors, do not silence firearms. Rather, suppressors simply reduce decibel levels to thresholds which are not as damaging to hearing. S.1209A would also permit suppressors to be used for hunting.

Suppressors provide numerous benefits to the hunters and sportsmen who choose to use them. Most importantly, suppressors can decrease muzzle report to hearing-safe levels and reduce shooters’ risk of hearing damage, which can occur when discharging a firearm without proper hearing protection. Additionally, suppressors help increase accuracy by reducing felt recoil and shot “flinch.” Beginners to shooting sports adhere to a quicker learning curve on average because the muffled sound equates to increased focus and concentration on proper shooting mechanics. Furthermore, suppressors help reduce noise complaints from neighbors, which are frequently used as an excuse to close hunting lands throughout the country. Suppressors are currently legal in 42 states upon completion of a rigorous federal background check.

Please continue to contact members of the State Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and respectfully request that they place S.1029A back on the agenda and pass the bill.

Capital District SCOPE Meeting and Elections June 20, 2017

June 20, 2017 Capital District SCOPE Meeting – 7pm Zaloga Post, 4 Everett Rd. Ext., Albany, NY 12205

The Capital District chapter is having elections.  Please come and vote, get involved, help us fight SAFE ACT II, and maybe run for secretary, treasurer or chairman.  The president of SCOPE, Tim Andrews, will be there to answer questions.