The Future of SCOPE

By Don Smith and Tom Reynolds

Over the course of fourteen years, from 1775 to 1789, the US had four forms of government: a king, the Continental Congress, the Articles of Confederation and, finally, our Constitution. Each step was an attempt to improve on the previous one. It was a pendulum-like process but it eventually worked.

On a lesser scale, SCOPE has been undergoing the same process. After decades of being a relatively small organization primarily in western NY, it suddenly became a genuinely statewide organization after passage of the SAFE Act in 2013. That growth led to administrative and organizational problems. New leadership was elected to deal with those problems while simultaneously charting a new long term direction that puts more grassroots emphasis on the chapters and committees.

This new emphasis on grassroots’ actions is important because we do our best to work at that level with our locally elected officials. It is important for constituents to be in contact with their legislators on multiple occasions, especially during NY’s legislative session from January to June. SCOPE chapters in the legislator’s home district must open lines of communication which will forge positive and valuable on-going relationships between legislators and SCOPE members. Working through SCOPE will allow common people at the local level to affect the decisions of their representatives. This is a fundamental role for any “grassroots” organization.

Our belief is that putting more emphasis on the chapters and committees will help to invigorate the membership to be more involved, raise SCOPE’s profile, increase membership and make SCOPE more effective. We are seeing signs that this is happening. Last year, we only had six candidates for At Large positions on SCOPE’s board and all were previously involved at the state level. This year we have twelve candidates and half are NOT now involved at the state level. Last year we had one person doing the review of proposed legislation while this year we have three. But there are many other non -board jobs that need doing and we need volunteers from the membership.

Growth and development brings new challenges to be answered. When SCOPE moved from being a small regional to a large statewide organization, it did not adapt its policies and procedures for the changing organizational needs. Officers have a duty to see that members’ dues are used ethically, efficiently and effectively. By -laws and regulations must be followed and not ignored. Officers must be willing to share information openly with the board and the membership; knowledge may be power but that power cannot be hoarded by a few.

These simple directives were not followed over the past few years and problems occurred and administrations changed. We inherited last year’s records that were either incomplete or in complete disarray, which puts an audit of last year in question. However, we are committed to having the first financial audit in SCOPE’s history by ensuring that the current year’s records will allow an audit. Members will know how their dues are being spent. We are also catching up on required government reporting that was not done in the past and is stressing both chapter and state officers. But, it must be done and once completed it will ease future chapter operations. We now have a very active Finance Committee that is putting greater emphasis on protecting SCOPE’s assets and ensuring that these issues never again arise.

The 2A movement has been hampered by the lack of cooperation between organizations. Working together isn’t always easy but having all the gun owners in NY motivated, locally involved and moving in the same direction will produce a force that cannot be ignored. This requires organizations to rise above old issues and recognize that they exist to defend our Constitutional Rights and that goal must neutralize differences that arise. Towards that end, one of the first efforts mutually made was to end the problems between SCOPE and NYS Rifle and Pistol Association and begin working along parallel paths. To that end, we have met success. Both SCOPE and NYSRPA have set aside past differences for the greater good of the 2nd Amendment. SCOPE looks forward to forging new relationships, even if it means overlooking past problems between organizations and individuals in order to defend the 2nd Amendment.

SCOPE is also concerned with the protection of fundamental human rights such as due process, freedom of speech and protection against unreasonable searches and seizures of personal property. Our Articles of Incorporation state that SCOPE is, “…dedicated to the preservation of the United State of America and the Constitution……and particularly Article 2 of the Bill of Rights.” Those opposing the 2nd Amendment are also going after other rights. We must begin to work with our natural allies in the name of protecting all Constitutional Rights. You don’t have to own a gun to be concerned about the erosion of your rights. We must work with “Rights” organizations for a return to what the Constitution originally said and not the one Sotomayer and others wish it had said.

Ronald Reagan defined perfectly that our short term decisions should all still be moving us in our long term direction. No organization operates in a vacuum and current political forces influence our short-term decisions but we must never lose sight of our goals. Extreme anti 2nd Amendment forces like Cuomo, Obama and the mainstream media have dominated the past few years but we may now have an ally in the White House. We must capture this moment by promoting enthusiasm, raising expectations and supporting activism.

Because of the negative political climate we endured, the primary goal of 2A defense organizations has been to counter attacks on the rights of firearms owners. SCOPE was a part of successfully lobbying for the REJECTION of bills sometimes labeled “SAFE Act 2″. Some examples: Safe Storage, Microstamping, Ban of 50 Caliber firearms [including 12 gauge shotguns], Mandatory insurance coverage of $250,000 for gun owners, 18 years old to own a gun, State issued pistol permits, Registration of ALL firearms with $15 fee/gun and annual renewal with $10 fee/gun.

While we won these battles, the enemies will return and the “War On Guns” continues. Although we have not been able to obtain a repeal of the SAFE ACT itself, we continue to remain on the offensive.

All of us in SCOPE need to be laser focused on “what we do”, “how we do it” and “what it costs in time and money” between now and the November 2018 Gubernatorial Election. There are serious issues with which your chapter and state leadership must be engaged. Distractions should not be tolerated. “Cuomo’s Gotta Go” as well as the SAFE Act.

Still think the SAFE Act doesn’t affect YOU? – Think again.

SCOPE Web Site
By Don Smith
The handgun license you obtained, oh those many years ago, with the recognition that it was valid for your lifetime has now been reduced to a FIVE [5] YEAR permit. NY State now requires “license holders to re-certify their status every five years”. That’s right, you must now RENEW your pistol permit EVERY FIVE [5] YEARS or face revocation [permanent] of the license.

All thanks to Mr. Cuomo and his so-called “S.A.F.E”. Act. This “Act” modified several laws in this state. One of them is the NY PENAL LAW that was amended to RESTRICT Y OUR RIGHTS. How you say? Part (b) was added to Section 10 of the Penal Law. It converted your once life-long pistol permit into a FIVE [5] YEAR permit with the swipe of Cuomo’s pen.

You are now required by law to provide the NY State Police with not only several pieces of your personal data but also an affirmation that you are not prohibited from possessing Y O U R O W N f i r e a r m s [HANDGUNS ONLY]. Better yet, the UNSAFE Act offers the opportunity to complete the form for RE-CERTIFICATION ONLINE at a State Police website.

Let’s see if I have this right: I “certify” myself as NOT being prohibited from owning a handgun in NY State. But why must I report my recertification of myself, by myself, to NY State? Oh, I get it now!! The State wants a database of all handguns! Isn’t this tantamount to a registration of all handguns? History teaches us that registration leads to one thing, confiscation!

Consider these statements:

• Former President Clinton: “Only the police should have handguns.”

• Illinois Rep Schakowsky: “…the Constitution of the United States which does not give the right for any individual to own a handgun…”

• Retired NY Rep Owens: “We have to start with a ban on the manufacturing and import of handguns. From there we register the guns which are currently owned, and follow that with additional bans and acquisitions of handguns and rifles with no sporting purpose.” [Does “acquisitions” remind you of the word “confiscation” used by Gov. Cuomo and others?]

• Nelson Shields, former Chair of The Brady Campaign: “Yes, I’m for an outright ban [on handg u n s a n d a m m u n i – tion]”….”We’ll take one step at a time, and the first is necessarily–given the political realitiesvery modest. We’ll have to start working again to strengthen the law, and then to strengthen the next law and again and again. Our ultimate goal, total control of handguns, is going to take time. The first problem is to slow down production and sales. Next is to get registration. The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and ammunition (with a few exceptions) totally illegal.”

• The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence []: “We will never fully solve our nation’s horrific problem of gun violence unless we ban the manufacture and sale of handguns and semiautomatic assault weapons.”

• American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]: “We urge passage of federal legislation…to prohibit…the private ownership and possession of handguns.”

• Michael Gardner, former President of NBC News: “There is no reason for anyone in this country…to buy, to own, to have, to use a handgun…”

• Janet Reno, former U.S. Attorney General: “The most effective means of fighting crime in the United States is to outlaw the possession of any type of firearm by the civilian populace.”

Remember, the goal of the State is to have as many people re-certify electronically as possible. SO OUR GOAL SHOULD BE TO HAVE THE FEWEST, OR NONE AT ALL, register online. We must ALL RE-CERTIFY on PAPER. Mail the form via CERTIFIED MAIL. This confirms it was both MAILED and RECEIVED. This allows you to comply with the law when you have to, but not before.

It is being suggested as an attractive proposition that we mail the form at the last possible moment… January 29 or 30, 2018. But we need to research this further as Cuomo likes to change the rules after the game has started.

Further research is also needed to determine if we are authorizing the State to access our HIPPA file. If so, then NYS has figured out a way to correct their violation of federal HIPPA law by having the citizen authorize the State’s invasion of privacy.

Recall that on September 20, 2016, representatives of the NY State Police spoke to the Fall Conference of the New York State County Clerk’s Association and made this statement: “The responsibility of the permit holder will be fulfilled when the recertification form is submitted to the State Police. Thus, if a problem arose where recertification was delayed, but submitted before the deadline, licensee is still legal.”


From my friends at the Arbalest Quarrel (7/5/18):


American citizens who hold dear our sacred Bill of Rights may think that leftists in this Country, and abroad, have placed their goal of destroying the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution on the back burner by virtue of the fact that (read more here)

Chele (Shell) Farley for NY Senate, 2nd Amendment Comments

I haven’t been able to find much from Chele about the second amendment, but I did find a few seconds of her speaking about it at a recent conference.  This clip is from the NY State Conservative Political Action Conference, on January 29, 2018, at the Radisson Hotel on Wolf Road in Albany, NY.

She definitely has a better 2nd amendment stance than Kirsten Gillibrand.

Creekside Sports looking to Return Taylor & Vadney Customers’ Firearms

From a post on the NY2A Grassroots Coalition:

Hello folks. I was wondering if any of you in the Capital Region could share this on your wall as we are trying to contact people:

If you have puchased or put a deposit on a handgun or long-gun from Taylor & Vadney’s Sporting Goods of Rotterdam or had a gun with them for repair, and still haven’t received it due to their license issues/fire, please give us a call. We have possession of T&V’s inventory and are trying to get people their guns. Some have balances, some are paid in full.

Creekside Sports

SCOPE’s Position on the Extreme Risk Protection Order A11148

Memo in Opposition

 A. 11148          Simon

 Establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun.


This legislation would add school officials, which include but is not limited to school teachers, school guidance counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, school nurses, school administrators or other school personnel required to hold a teaching or administrative license or certificate, and full or part-time compensated school employees required to hold a temporary coaching license or professional coaching certificate.


We oppose this proposal on the grounds that current New York State law already provides school officials a means to seek an extreme risk protection order through law-enforcement.  If school officials truly believe a student poses a threat to him/herself or others it’s prudent if not imperative that they contact law-enforcement immediately. Law enforcement professionals can then investigate make an assessment and take appropriate action. Unlike schools seeking action through the courts, law enforcement can act immediately if they determine immediate action is necessary.

A reality check is needed regarding the involvement of school officials as per this bill.  Let us assume that one of them has identified a student (respondent) where there is probable cause to believe the respondent is likely to engage in conduct that would result in serious harm to himself, herself or others.  Why would any concerned school official not immediately contact law enforcement?  What advantage is gained by that official providing the student with the time to possibly gain access to a firearm?  Does anyone truly believe that the extended time spent on this bills requirement to obtain an Extreme Risk Protection Order prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun is a better choice than immediately contacting the local police agency? 

Consider this situation encountered by a SCOPE Director while he was teaching in a Rochester area high school.  A student was involved in an altercation and declared that he was leaving the building and would return with a gun.  The high school principal was aware of the students threat yet refused to contact law enforcement.  The principal also refused to lock the exterior doors and instead instructed several male teachers to guard the entrances with instructions to call the main office if the student returned. Fortunately, the situation ended well but a crucial error in judgment cost the principal his job.

 This legislation if passed could have unintended consequences and end up posing more risk to students, school employees, and teachers, by leaving law-enforcement out of the initial process and thus delaying or preventing much-needed police intervention. Putting it bluntly, this legislation is dangerous and invites a delayed and inadequate response to a potentially dangerous situation.

School officials have a long history of irrational judgment when it comes to firearm issues, and what defines a serious concern. ­­­­­­­­­­­­Just a few years ago a child was suspended from school for eating a Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun, also a fifth-grade girl in Philadelphia was suspended for having a piece of paper that was torn into the shape of a gun. Would schools seek protection orders against those students? Schools, teachers, and administrators are not always rational thinkers when it comes to these issues. There are countless stories like those I have mentioned here.

What’s more, you might presume the subject, or the respondent of the extreme risk protection order would be the student but then again what is the point of an extreme risk protective order for a child under 18 years of age since they can’t legally own or possess firearms or long guns anyway? The answer is the parent or legal guardian then becomes the subject or respondent of the order. We realize there can be legitimate reason for an immediate seizure of someone’s firearms, but that determination is best left to law-enforcement professionals and the courts with consideration of due process rights under the 5th and 14th Amendments. Especially in a situation where firearms may be confiscated from someone who has not committed a crime or even been charged with a crime.

Finally, when the extreme risk protection order is issued a notice will be sent to the FBI and subsequently, the parent(s) or legal guardian, not the student will be added to the NICS system. A law-abiding parent who has done nothing wrong and may very well have his or her firearms safely secured in their home will be subject to having their firearms confiscated and prohibited from purchasing future firearms without any due process, under this proposal. A clear violation of not only the 2nd Amendment but also the 5th and 14th Amendments as well.

Again, we recognize the need to identify troubled kids and to respond to someone who does present a danger to themselves and others, however, excluding law-enforcement from the process as this proposal is likely to do could end up having very dangerous consequences. The means to deal with these events already exists in state law, schools just need to pick up the phone and call the police.

National Liberty Alliance Sues NY Over the SAFE ACT

The National Liberty Alliance filed a 2nd Amendment Action at Law against the Governor and both houses of New York State in the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York, Case# 1:18-cv-392.  The preliminary hearing is set for July 2nd at 10 am.

More details are available here:

The National Liberty Alliance is an organization you should check out.