Handgun License Re-Certification Presentation

Monday, May 22nd 6:30 to 8:00 PM

Brunswick Community Center

Keyes Lane, Troy, NY 12180 (off Rt. 7)

Special Guests:

  • Albany County Clerk Bruce Hidley
  • Rensselaer County Clerk Frank Merola
  • Introduction of Guests by Rensselaer County Legislator Tom Walsh

Open to the Public

Bring Family and Friends

Sponsored By Brunswick Sportsmans Club

Attorney & Policy Analyst Paloma A. Capanna asks for help


Call your Assemblyman TODAY! Tell him or her that you want a statutory guarantee of a right to access your pistol permit file as per “The Civil Rights Restoration Act!” A6805. PLEASE SHARE!

This morning, I am drafting an appeal regarding a permit revocation. I enter this case for appellate purposes and was not on the original revocation defense. Yet again, I am having to seek court permission to review a client’s pistol permit file to find out what notes the NYS Police and other government employees have put into it.

You have no right to see the contents of your pistol permit file. You have no right to copies of the materials in it. The licensing officer and the courts use the contents of that file to make determinations on whether you will be issued and whether you get to keep your pistol permit. They have no obligation to identify what papers they relied upon or how it impacted their decision. Yet another NYS government secret file on you!

Get on board the activism train! Call your Assemblyman today and call Speaker Heastie today! We need passage of “The Civil Rights Restoration Act!” A6805. One of its provisions guarantees your right of access to all information the government is harboring about you in your pistol permit file!

Activism checklist:

  1. Place the call to your Assemblyman.
  2. Ask the Assemblyman to Co-Sponsor A6805.
  3. Educate the Assemblyman and the staffer that you support the right of access to your pistol permit file. If it’s about you and it’s maintained by the government, then you should also have access to it. It’s an issue of Due Process for all who defend their rights.
  4. Tell the Assemblyman that you will be monitoring the Bill to see his or her name appear as a Co-Sponsor, and that you will call every week until it appears. (Then do so. Make a weekly call your activism commitment through the end of the 2017 session.)
  5. Please call Judiciary Committee Chairwoman Helene E. Weinstein (518-455-5462), and explain to her and her staff the importance of access to the same information used by a judge when making a determination. It’s impossible to present a case, concerning a fundamental constitutional right, when the judge is looking at a secret file that even the lawyer has no right to access and review! It’s an issue of Due Process for all who defend their rights.
  6. Call Assemblymen Lopez (518-455-5363), Assemblyman DiPietro (518-455-4886), and Assemblyman Blankenbush (518-455-5797) to say thank you for sponsoring and co-sponsoring this important Bill…and let’s get this passed in 2017!


Thank you for all that you do. Fight on!

Best regards, Paloma

Paloma A. Capanna Attorney & Policy Analyst  
633 Lake Road  
Webster, New York 14580  
585.377.7260 office  
585.377.7268 facsimile  

“Freedom does not exist to taunt tyranny.

Freedom simply is.” – Me.

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Capital District SCOPE Meeting

Tuesday, April 18 7pm Zaloga Post, 4 Everett Rd. Ext., Albany, NY 12205

Agenda to include:

  • Members are encouraged to attend State SCOPE Membership Meeting in Liverpool on April 22 – We will discuss carpooling.
  • What results of State SCOPE election will mean for Capital District SCOPE
  • Results of Robinson vs Lynch lawsuit
  • Open forum for anyone who would like to bring up a topic related to 2nd Amendment rights
  • Upcoming gun shows
  • Update of GOANY organization
  • Pistol license recertification presentation May 22 at Brunswick Community Center 6:30pm

GRASSROOTS ACTION ALERT for Civil Rights and Firearms Freedom:

Please make two phone calls today and share this on your social media outlets:

1: Call NYS Senate Majority Leader John Flanigan at (518) 455-2071 and ask him to sponsor the "same as" to NYS Assembly Bill 6805, "The Civil Rights Restoration Act."

2: Call your Assemblyman and ask them to become a Co-Sponsor…especially if he or she is a Democrat.

Let's guarantee and spell out civil rights for all New Yorkers, including Due Process, Equal Protection, and Privacy!


Paloma A. Capanna Attorney & Policy Analyst
633 Lake Road
Webster, New York 14580
585.377.7260 office
585.377.7268 facsimile

"Freedom does not exist to taunt tyranny. Freedom simply is." Me.

Meeting on 3/21

Capital District SCOPE Annual Meeting & Election of Officers

Tuesday, March 21  7pm  Zaloga Post, 4 Everett Rd. Ext., Albany, NY 12205

Agenda to include:

  • Election for Chairman, Vice Chairman I, Vice Chairman II, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary
  • Informational presentations in local counties on handgun license recertification
  • Update of events at SCOPE state board level
  • Press Release from Attorney Capanna
  • Gun Show at Polish Community Center March 25 & 26

Help needed to send letters to the FBI

NY State is sending misleading information to Federal background check databases

Attorney Paloma A. Capanna is asking for help in a letter writing campaign called “S.O.S FBI”.   Please read Capanna’s letter, it details the abuse of the NICS system gun owner’s and law enforcement rely on to transfer firearms legally.

Attorney Paloma A. Capanna’s FBI Letter

In the letter, Capanna demonstrates how NY state is abusing its position to report people as “involuntary committed” to databases such as NICS, when no such commitment has taken place. These entries recently went from 0 to 463,000.

The attorney is asking New Yorker’s to help her make the FBI aware that the database is incorrect and that New York state is ignoring requests to correct the erroneous information. One can help by adding a letter or phone call of your own to her efforts.