A NY (un)SAFE Act Compliant Gun Was Used in a Shooting in a NYC “gun free zone” Hospital

Update 7/5/17: The shooter had three 10 round magazines on him but only used one of the three. (NY Times)

Update 7/3/17: The rifle used in the shooting was illegal in NYC and was purchased upstate in Schenectady 8 days before the shooting (NY Daily News).

CNN reported the firearm as an “assault rifle”, here is a reported picture clearly showing it as a NYS (un)SAFE Act compliant rifle.  It should be noted that without the “evil features” it does not meet the NYS politician derived definition of an assault rifle.


What does this mean?  The’re coming!  The downstate democrat gun haters are going to say they haven’t done enough with the SAFE act and it’s time to ban the sale of all semi-auto rifles or all AR-15 style weapons (like in Massachusetts) and register the rest, with no permission to transfer.  Put on your big boy and big girl pants and be prepared to fight this when it comes.

Suicide is not gun violence

Many anti-gun gun groups lump homicides and suicides together as “gun violence”, as well as including accidental discharges, self defense shootings and shootings by police officers.  They use the statistic that there are 30,000 deaths from gun violence per year.  Yet about 20,000 of those deaths are suicides.

Yes suicide by gun is a violent act for sure, but but it is not “gun violence”.  If we talk about suicide by gun as gun violence, we also need to talk about hanging (rope) violence, wrist slitting (knife) violence, pill violence, bridge jumping violence, drowning (water) violence, and even auto-erotic asphyxiation violence.

Also, the guns aren’t violent, the people who use them to commit homicides are.

If it looks like there is no way out for you, except to end it all, talk to someone.   Hold on, you’re only human, your second wind is coming. (Billy Joel)

National suicide Prevention Line:  1-800-273-8255   24 hours / 7 days

Somebody Local to Talk To:   ALBANY Capital District Psychiatric Center Crisis Unit / Hotline  (518) 447-9650 24 hours / 7 days

New Thordsen Gen III Stock Available

Thordsen customs has come out with a GEN III FRS-15 featureless stock for New York compliance that New Yorkers might like.

This new design builds on what they learned from previous versions and through customer feedback. It offers a better look.  You can order it with the buffer tube cover, or keep the buffer tube cover from your old Thordsen stock and just order the stock portion.  At first it may look like a thumbhole stock but the stock and buffer tube are not connected.  You can see more here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_88lumNmIo&t=0s http://www.thordsencustoms.com/frs-15-gen-iii-rifle-stock/

Justice Neil Gorsuch and the Second Amendment

Taken and edited from Ammoland:

In a fiery dissent on June 26th, 2017 with regard to the court not taking up the Peruta case,  along with Justice Clarence Thomas, Gorsuch demanded that the Court take this case and other Second Amendment cases in order to protect the rights of citizens living in states that do not respect the Second Amendment.

From the dissent on how the Heller case speaks clearly on the issue of carrying firearms for self-defense:

As we explained in Heller, to “bear arms” means to “‘wear, bear, or carry upon the person or in the clothing or in a pocket, for the purpose of being armed and ready for offen­sive or defensive action in a case of conflict with another person.’” The most natural reading of this definition encom­passes public carry. I find it extremely improbable that the Framers understood the Second Amendment to protect little more than carrying a gun from the bedroom to the kitchen.

The Nomination for the CD SCOPE Secretary Position is Still Open

All members, the secretary position for the capital district SCOPE chapter is still open and has not been filled.  If anyone is interested, contact me at capnospam”at”nycap.rr.com.

The position includes attending the monthly meetings and taking notes on what was said, then turning the notes in at the next meeting.  Give it a try until the next regular election in March.

Stop by the next meeting July 18th.

Are You One of the Four Percenters? It’s a New Group You Should Know About.

Are you one of the four percenters? If you are, chances you don’t want to be, and no one told you that your are one, and you may never find out.   Shush,  IT’S A SECRET……

Since the passing of the (un)Safe Act in 2013,  NY state is abusing its position to report people as “involuntary committed” to databases such as NICS, when no such commitment has taken place.  In addition, the NYS Police maintain a second, secret database on New Yorkers under Mental Hygiene Law §9.46.  It is estimated that more than 200,000 reports have been made into that database, or, a total of more than 700,000 records between the two tracks of reporting. This would mean that 3.7% or 1 out of 27 New Yorkers are housed in the NYS Police database under “mental health” allegations.

Don’t worry, if you were wrongly placed on the list, you can get off it.  First you have to find out you are on the list, then hire an attorney, pay thousands of dollars, wait a long time, hope all your guns won’t be confiscated, and you won’t get reimbursed by the State for their mistake when the court finds in your favor.  This is outrageous and has to stop.  Tell a friend about this.  Maybe the Civil Right Restoration Act can fix this.


Infringement: Act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.

The (un)SAFE Act:

You can’t buy a hunting or sporting rifle with a pistol grip, a thumb hole stock, a muzzle brake, or even an ammo magazine with an 11 round capacity at the sporting goods store due to the (un)SAFE act, even though more people are killed with hammers and beaten to death each year than killed by rifles of any type, let alone rifles that fall into the sub-category of so called “assault rifles”.

Ask yourself…, does the (un)SAFE act INFRINGE (see definition above) on the right to keep and bear arms in any way, if so, the conclusion is that the infringement is against amendment #2 in the bill of rights of the constitution, which is considered the supreme law of the land.

As the bumpers sticker says…”what part of SHALL NOT be infringed don’t you understand?”

Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA) proposed by SCOPE

The event a couple days ago in VA surely opened some eyes on Capitol Hill.


A recent development happened after last night’s Erie County SCOPE meeting. Rep. Collins has expressed a willingness to move the Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA) proposed by SCOPE forward to enactment.  ACTION NEEDED: Please make calls to his office at 716-634-2324 (Buffalo) and 202-225-5265 (Washington, D.C.) Ask for his support, and tell him that we, in turn, will support him.

SAGA would be a Federal Law that would use the due process clause of the of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to repeal the unconstitutional SAFE Act.

We must take this direction to destroy Cuomo’s SAFE Act. The New York State Legislature is too corrupt to accomplish repeal.

Frank J. Panasuk
S.C.O.P.E. BOD Member at Large

Escaped Convicts Held at Gunpoint by Homeowners Until Police Arrive

Do you remember a story about the escaped convicts from a Georgia prison June 13th. After being on the run for three days, the police caught up to them.  After a car chase with police and vehicle crash, the escaped convicts ran into the woods and to a nearby house in Tennessee.  Luckily, the homeowner was armed, and after calling the police and his neighbors, they were able to keep the murderers at gunpoint until police arrived and arrested them.

The homeowner capturing and holding the escaped convicts should be big national news.  It wasn’t.


Every 2nd Matters – A 2nd Amendment Awareness Movement

Every 2nd Matters is a group of individuals that meet online once a month to discuss what they have done to promote awareness of the 2nd amendment with the general pubic, usually on a one-to-one basis, by talking with people casually.  There is no leadership, no dues, and anyone with a firearm is already a member.  It is a coalition of like minded individual gun owners who use the 2nd day of the month to promote gun rights awareness in their own way.   Some members open carry (where permitted), some wear an every 2nd matters t-shirt, some just start conversations, and some members open carry an empty holster to elicit conversation.

One thing I don’t like, as yet, is that they want you to sign up and create an account on their web site.   You can find their web site at:  every2ndmatters.com

If you just want to listen to their YouTube hangout podcast while you work, the link is here:  Youtube hangouts podcast: https://youtu.be/VlPFeshmGlo

Yankee Marshall’s explanation of the group:  https://youtu.be/TC8sw-E0nkw