Gun Show Coming To Glens Falls

From the 8/25/17 : (more here)

GLENS FALLS — A Long Island gun dealer who exhibited at gun shows in Glens Falls in the 1980s is promoting a major gun show at Cool Insuring Arena.

“I used to do a gun show in Glens Falls years ago,” said Martin Tretola, owner of T&T Gunnery, in a telephone interview on Friday, after arena officials announced the gun show is scheduled for Nov. 11 and 12.

The event, called the Glens Falls Gun Show, will be held in Heritage Hall, inside Cool Insuring Arena, formerly known as the Glens Falls Civic Center, at the following times: Saturday, Nov. 11, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sunday, Nov. 12, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Tickets to the gun show will cost $10 for admission to both days. Tickets will go on sale at 10 a.m. Sept. 1 at the arena box office.

Oregon Governor Signs Gun Confiscation Law

from the 8/24/17 (read more):

Oregon Governor Signs Gun Confiscation Law

Oregon Governor Brown signs gun confiscation bill into law
On Wednesday, Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed into law a Democrat-sponsored gun confiscation bill, permitting Oregon judges to order guns to be confiscated under an “Extreme Risk Protection Order”, based on hearsay evidence, and before the gun owner is permitted a hearing to challenge the order.

The law is based on Oregon Senate Bill 719 and was passed by Oregon Democrats despite widespread condemnation by constitutional scholars and gun rights groups. All but 4 Democratic senators voted in favor of the bill, while every Republican senator but one voted against the bill.

The sole “token” Republican voting for the bill, Sen. Brian Boquist (R-Dallas, Oregon), claimed the law would “reduce veteran suicides”, and it was under that noble-sounding purpose that Democrat legislators steamrolled the bill through the legislative process.

Paul Phillips, President of Oregon Gun Owners, noted the hypocrisy and the underlying purpose of the bill. The bill, he says, will do little to prevent ‘suicides’. What it will actually do, under the guise of ‘suicide prevention’, is deprive Oregon gun owners of their legal rights under the second amendment. Gun confiscations, he says, will be “based on hearsay evidence alone, and the firearm owner is not [even] privy to a fair trial.”

Oregon Governor Kate Brown signs SB719 into law on Wednesday, Aug 16, 2017. the law allows Oregon courts to seize guns from citizens without advance notification, under the guise of “suicide prevention”. (Image: Oregon Governor’s Website)
Confiscation hearings will be held without notifying the gun owner of the hearing

Under the law, any person would be allowed to file a petition with the court for an “extreme risk protection order” against anyone else they happen to be related to, or living with. A hearing would then be held within one day of the petition being filed, WITHOUT notifying the party whose guns will be seized about the hearing.

Gun owners will be only be allowed to challenge the seizure order AFTER their guns have been taken

If the petition is granted, a confiscation order would be immediately issued and officers would be dispatched to seize the guns. The subject of the order has no right to contest the order before their guns are confiscated. Their only option will be to initiate a costly, lengthy appeal process after the order has been issued; after their guns have been confiscated, and hope they are successful in recovering their guns before they have been destroyed.

Order can be issued based on hearsay evidence alone

Under this law, Oregon judges will be permitted to issue a “extreme risk protection order” based on any number of unrelated events or even hearsay allegations, such as a drunk driving arrest, the beginning of a divorce, allegations of drug use, or even engaging in a constitutionally-protected activity such as recently purchasing a gun or receiving firearm instruction.

No actual evidence must be presented other than the petitioner’s verbal allegation of some possible future harm or some non-substantiated fear.

While filing a “false” report would be a misdemeanor, proving a false report would be next to impossible since all a petitioner needs to do is claim to be “afraid” or “worried” about the gun owner’s mental state.

The petitioner does not need to provide any actual evidence, such as a mental health evaluation, to satisfy the requirements for confiscation. They need only have a convincing story and a sympathetic judge.

Law’s ambiguous language allows for widespread abuse and gun confiscation

The lack of specificity within the law regarding evidentiary requirements, and the range of potential petitioners possible under the law (including state officials), opens the door for widespread abuse and gun confiscation, which many claim is the actual intent of the law.

An angry roommate could enact revenge against a fellow resident, separating them from a cherished hunting rifle, simply by filing a petition alleging, “I think he is depressed and may commit suicide.” Similarly, a jilted spouse can approach a judge with a convincing story, and then watch smiling as the police confiscate her husband’s prized handgun collection before serving him with the divorce papers.

Essentially, if a petitioner has a sufficiently convincing ‘story’, or the court is already sympathetic to anti-gun rhetoric, the court is now permitted to issue an order to legally seize someone’s guns.

Oregon police officers can also petition to have someone’s guns seized

Medford Oregon police officer
Medford Oregon police officer questions a couple about their guns.
Under this law, an Oregon police officer is now permitted to petition for an order against anyone they deem to be a danger to themselves or others, for almost any reason.

A driver pulled over for a traffic infraction, for example, may later find themselves the subject of an “extreme risk protection order”, simply because they angered the officer by challenging the ticket in court. Under the law, all the officer must do is claim the person was “acting strangely” and they can petition the court to seize the person’s guns.

In other words, for the first time in Oregon history, a state agency has been granted explicit authority to remove a citizen’s property based on hearsay evidence, without permitting that citizen advance notification of the hearing, and without an opportunity to challenge the petition before the property is taken.

The law also grants police officers the power to enter the subject’s property and search for, and then seize, any additional guns not specifically identified within the protection order.

No small feat to recover the guns once they have been seized

Once a subject’s guns have been confiscated, they must convince the court to return them. Given the fact that the court was willing to seize the guns based on someone else’s unsubstantiated allegation, recovering one’s guns after they have been seized will be no small feat. Essentially, the gun owner must prove to the court that the court made a mistake; that the gun owner does not pose a risk to themselves or others.

Compounding this near impossibility, Oregon has some of the most rabidly anti-gun jurists in the nation, many of whom believe the mere ownership of a gun is evidence of mental instability and danger. Oregon Judge Kenneth Walker, for example, famously said in court last year that, if it were up to him, “No one would have guns. Not police. Not security. We should eliminate all of them.” Thanks to Governor Brown and Oregon Democrat lawmakers, now it is up to him.

Law violates the 14th Amendment’s “Due Process” clause

Under the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, before the state may deprive someone of their property, they must provide the person with “due process”, which the courts have interpreted to mean, they must provide the person with notice of its intention, provide them with an opportunity to challenge the action at a hearing, and have the matter adjudicated by a neutral party.

Under this law, however, no opportunity is provided to the gun owner to challenge the confiscation BEFORE before their property has been seized. Only AFTER their guns have been seized is the gun owner provided with a hearing to challenge the action.

As such, this law appears to be a violating the 14th Amendment’s “due process” clause.

The National Rifle Association has soundly condemned the law over its due process violations, “By allowing a law enforcement officer, family member, or household member to seek the ERPO, SB 719A would allow people who are not mental health professionals, who may be mistaken, and who may only have minimal contact with the respondent to file a petition with the court and testify on the respondent’s state of mind.”

The 2nd Amendment View From a Liberal Supreme Court Justice

taken from the 8/23/17 PJ Media:

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer said in an interview about his thoughts on the Second Amendment, Breyer recalled that in Article I of the Constitution “it gives to the Congress the power to call up and regulate state militias.”

“There was a lot of concern, if you read the Federalist Papers, you will just get a feeling for it. There was a lot of concern and fear that Congress might do that and disband them, and replace the state militias after they had disbanded them with a federal army. And that, many people said, vote no on the Constitution because if they can do that, then the federal government can destroy your freedom,” he said. “Well, said Madison, in a sense, if I paraphrase him, never fear. We will put in the Constitution an amendment which says Congress can’t do that. It cannot call up and disband the state militias. Why? Because a well-armed militia is necessary for the security of a free state, i.e. a state militia.”

“And therefore the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. In other words, they were talking about that. That’s what I thought they were talking about, which is not the right of an individual to keep a gun next to his bed.”

I have probably more of a view that life is a mess,” the justice said, adding that it comes down to “basic outlook about the Constitution, how it applies today to people who must live under it.”   (read article here)

File:Stephen Breyer, SCOTUS photo portrait.jpg

Call To Action – All SCOPE Members

We know the badly named “SAFE” Act is unSAFE when it comes to civil liberties like due process.  This fact is never mentioned by Mr. Cuomo nor many of our elected state officials — purposeful ignorance.  They focus on the 2nd Amendment rather than let people know they’re also going after the 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th Amendments.
The SAFE Act (Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013) is touted as a “gun control” law, but it is really about control.  Why?  Because it denies due process to any citizen targeted under the SAFE Act.
No one is talking about this aspect of the so-called SAFE Act.  We need to open that conversation.  Do our elected officials believe all citizens are entitled to due process or not?
Attached are the links to both a 4-minute and an 8-minute video that includes the story of a citizen deprived of his rights. They were produced by volunteers to tell the story of the SAFE Act’s assault on due process.
Listen to a citizen who had his firearms confiscated with no notice, no hearing, no trial and no evidence of mental disability.  As with many other SAFE Act victims, his doctor sent him to a hospital for testing so he could readjust his medication.
The hospital falsely notified the State Police that he was INvoluntarily admitted.  It is a chilling reality – one we are seeing repeated.  And the SAFE Act grants legal immunity to the medical establishment for any such “reporting” errors on their part.
Despite a judge’s order vindicating him, this law-abiding citizen was reported by NY State to the FBI and is no longer eligible to purchase a firearm.  It is extremely complicated and difficult to successfully complete the appeal process.
As we know from the anti-rights groups, if such “laws” work in New York or California, they will be exported to other states.  There is nothing coincidental about this.

Here is where we need you to take action: 
• First, click on the video link and watch the video. If you can, click on the “thumbs up” icon seen on YouTube. If you see it on Facebook or place it there, “Like it” there.
• Second, post and share this message with as many friends, influential groups and websites as possible, such as Facebook, Twitter or others — including your state senator and assembly member. They need to hear this.
Ask them if they believe all citizens are entitled to due process?
Use this elected official “look up tool” to contact your state representatives:
The goal is to make this video “go viral” and get as many views by as many people as possible — thousands. We want to do this in order to:
• Alert voters everywhere,
• Hold elected officials accountable –
• And demand they publicly state whether they believe all citizens are entitled to due process. If they believe that, then they need to do something about the SAFE Act.Thank you for helping to defend our Constitutional and civil liberties.

• 4-minute trailer or short version:

• 8-minute or long version:
Read more at this link:

Tim Andrews
SCOPE President

Poll Results – Should SCOPE Support the Civil Rights Restoration Act?

The Capital District chapter of SCOPE polled it’s members to find out their opinion if SCOPE as a whole should support the Civil Rights Restoration Act, an act sponsored by another gun rights organization.

Poll Results……….Of about 120 members polled, we got about a 20% return, with 22 members for it and 1 member against.  95% of members who returned the poll would like SCOPE to support the Civil Rights Restoration Act in some way.  Comments included…I will support it with word, deed, and my pocketbook….to….no, we should use our resources on something else.

I urge other chapters to poll members to see where they stand on the issue. The extent of support wasn’t discussed in the poll, but can range from support in words, to support in money, to calling for member support in calling/writing representatives about it.

Another NY Gun Grabber – Rep. Kathleen Rice says the NRA is a Becoming a Domestic Security Threat


Rep. Kathleen Rice, a Democrat from New York attacks conservative gun rights advocate and commentator Dana Loesch. Labeling her and the millions and millions of NRA members across the country an increased terror threat.

“I’m just going to say it. #NRA & @DLoesch are quickly becoming domestic security threats under President Trump. We can’t ignore that.”

— Kathleen Rice (@RepKathleenRice) August 11, 2017

CDSCOPE:  She is from The U.S, House of Representatives’ New York’s 4th Congressional District on Long Island and needs to be voted out.  We really need SCOPE chapters in NYC and on Long Island!

ASK before any playdate “Do you keep any guns in the house”

Commentary.  Stick with me here.

The anti gunners have been pushing lately to “ask” the parents where your children go to play “Do you keep any guns in the house”.  They also say to ask what type,  are they secured properly, and what level of safety training do you possess?”  Even Dear Abbey is in on it.

I really don’t think the anti gunners go far enough, after all it is for the safety of the children.  You should also ask, what type of drugs are in the house?  Are all your prescription pill vials equipped with a lock instead of a safety cap, and do you store and lock them all up separately in a safe.  Can I look in your medicine cabinet? What about the illegal drugs you may have, what kind do you have, where is your stash and are they locked up too?  What experience or training to you have with taking drugs?  Do tell.  Don’t mind my asking, it’s for the safety of the children.

There’s more, you should also ask if there is any porn in the house, what type do you keep here: books, magazines, videos, toys, fetish materials? Are they all locked up separately,  and what level of experience or training do you have with them.  Come on now.  It’s for the safety of the children so I’m entitled to ask.

Those “none of your business” questions really worked and I’m glad I asked.  Now the children are safe.

In reality, just say, hey is your house childproof, my kid gets into stuff, bigly. Double check for me.  Thanks.